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Southampton Business School Who we are

Dr Timothy Bolt PhD

Research Fellow

Dr Timothy Bolt's photo

Dr Timothy Bolt is Research Fellow within Southampton Business School at the University of Southampton.

My work within the HaCIRIC Project and previously on the RIGHT Project contributes to the Southampton Business School's research into the use of modelling and simulation tools for decision-making and service planning within the health service.

This builds on previous collaborative research on coordinating health and social care services in the UK and Japan. My focus was on improving community-based care service for older people through the provision of telecare and care-coordination information exchange platforms. This research was undertaken as part of an international, multidisciplinary project while based at Waseda University, Tokyo and also as a Research Fellow of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS).

This followed on from research and teaching at the University of Edinburgh with the Department of Economics and the Institute for Japanese-European Technology Studies (JETS Institute). While at the JETS Institute, I worked primarily on EU-funded projects covering emerging data services in the mobile telecoms field and corporate governance of telecommunications companies.

I received my PhD in 2007 from Waseda University and MSc (Econ) from the University of Glasgow in 1995.

Research interests

  • use of modelling in capturing knowledge, group decisions & service planning
  • coordination of health and social care services (particularly for older people)
  • process improvement and application of telecare in care service delivery
  • problem structuring methods applied to a health and care service context
  • user-requirements for service improvement & technology in care delivery

Research project(s)

Developing stated preference discrete choice experiments for improving the redesign of patient-led healthcare services

The current NHS plan is committed to giving patients and the public greater influence over the way the NHS modernizes

Developing a utility index for End of Life care

One challenge in End of Life care research is assessing outcome. The ‘QALY' (quality-adjusted life year) measure is an unsuitable tool. The aim of this research is to develop a framework and ‘fit for purpose' specific utility measure.

Dr Timothy Bolt
Southampton Business School, University of Southampton, Highfield, Southampton SO17 1BJ, UK
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