Dr Fenfang Lin MBA, PhD, FHEA
Lecturer in Marketing

Dr Fenfang Lin is a Lecturer in Marketing within the Southampton Business School at the University of Southampton. She holds a PhD in Marketing from the University of Edinburgh. She is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (HEA).
Prior to joining Southampton Business School, Fenfang has taught at the University of Edinburgh Business School to both Undergraduate and Postgraduate. She has working experience in life insurance, retail and HR consultancy industries, as well as becoming an entrepreneur in exporting business.
Her research focuses on strategic marketing, B2B marketing, SMEs branding, organisational capabilities and product innovation. Her research has published in a number of international journals, including Journal of Brand Management, International Journal of Emerging Markets, IEEE TEM, and other marketing and management journals. She has also contributed to a few chapters to books in emerging markets and entrepreneurial innovation related topics.
PhD supervision:
Fenfang open to PhD applications, and welcomes PhD enquiries in areas of SMEs strategy, B2B SMEs branding and marketing, nation branding and country of origin marketing, marketing capabilities development, sustainable marketing etc.