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The University of Southampton
Southampton Business School

Alexander Eriksen BSc Marketing,  2017

Business Process Associate Consultant, SAP

Alexander Eriksen's Photo

Undertaking a placement as part of my degree, was an invaluable learning experience and ultimately resulted in a full-time graduate role upon completion of my degree.

Nationality: Danish

What made you choose Southampton?
As an international student, I wanted a new experience and I really liked the way the campus looked. On a more academic note, the University of Southampton is also a Russell Group Member and highly rated within the UK.
What have been your Southampton ‘highlights’ whilst studying here?
The top highlight has to be the friends I have made and the people I have met at my time here at Southampton. Also managing to balance my social life, academic life and get enough sleep throughout my studies.
What opportunities did you take up (within your degree programme and extra-curricular)? In what ways have they helped your personal development?
Within my degree programme I became a Peer Placement Leader, helping 2nd years with their placement application journey. This developed my leadership and communication skills.
Did you participate in any extra-curricular activities that have provided skills that you will use after leaving university?
I played halls football for Monte, through which I have made many friends and developed social and communication skills. Playing for Monte also improved my ability to work together in a team both on and off the pitch.
What did you enjoy most about your course?
I enjoyed the group projects the most, as everyone was equally motivated to perform well, pushing each other to get the best possible grade while simultaneously having a good time.
What networking, employment and work experience opportunities did you undertake and did they enhance your Southampton experience?
I undertook a 13-month placement at SAP as part of my degree here at Southampton. This was an invaluable learning experience and ultimately resulted in a full-time graduate role upon completion of my degree.

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