Senior Vietnamese officials learn more about innovations in public sector leadership

The University of Southampton Business School has hosted a group of 22 senior government officials from Vietnam in the latest in an ongoing series of leadership development programmes. The two week course of seminars and visits covered topics as varied as globalisation, innovation, change management and issues in contemporary leadership in national and local government and within the public sector.
Programme organiser and Principal Teaching Fellow in Organisational Behaviour and Human Resource Management, Dr Stefan Cantore says: “We were delighted to welcome our fourth party of visitors from Vietnam. They were keen to learn more about UK governance and systems and asked plenty of challenging questions. Academic colleagues from Business and Social Sciences contributed high level sessions in their specialist areas to give the delegates a thorough grounding in the latest key concepts and theories in leadership and management.”
Head of delegation Mrs Bui Thi Thanh says: “We have been very happy with the programme and have learned a great deal from the experience at Southampton.”
The Vietnamese party also learned about leadership, management and training in the National Health Service at a visit to Lymington Hospital. Staff from the Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust explained about community health and commissioning. Laura Rothery, Deputy Director at the Trust says: “We were pleased to host the delegation and show them some of the excellent work are staff are engaged in. Lymington New Forest Hospital is one of our key sites, and is designed to be a ‘one stop shop' with appointment, consultant, diagnosis and treatment under one roof.” Mrs Bui Thi Thanh adds: “We were very impressed by the dynamism of staff at the hospital. There are clearly good working relations and collaboration between team members and conditions for patients are excellent with effective measures for infection control.”
The Vietnamese party also learned about leadership, management and training in the National Health Service at a visit to Lymington Hospital. Staff from the Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust explained about community health and commissioning. Mrs Bui Thi Thanh adds: “We were very impressed by the dynamism of staff at the hospital. There are clearly good working relations and collaboration between team members and conditions for patients are excellent with effective measures for infection control.”
During the fortnight, group members enjoyed three days in London, visiting the Vietnamese Embassy, touring Parliament and discovering how London Councils manage economic and infrastructure development. They went on to meet Southampton Mayor Councillor Linda Norris at a formal reception in the Mayor’s Parlour.