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The University of Southampton
Southampton Business School

July research highlights from Southampton Business School

Published: 14 August 2017
July highlights

This month, we cast a spotlight on some of the most recent activity in Southampton Business School, including publications, speaking engagements and funded research.

Papers Accepted

Bektas, T ., Gouveia, L. and Santos, D. New path elimination constraints for multi-depot routing problems. Forthcoming in Networks.

Allen, J., Piecyk, M., Piotrowska. M., McLeod, F., Cherrett, T., Nguyen, T., Bektas, T. , Bates, O., Friday, A., Wise, S., and Austwick, M. (2017) Understanding the impact of e-commerce on last-mile light goods vehicle activity in urban areas: The case of London. Forthcoming in Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment (ABS 3*)

Akbar, H. Baruch, Y. & Tzokas, N. (2017). Feedback loops as dynamic processes of organizational knowledge creation in the context of the innovations’ front-end. British Journal of Management, [ABS 4*]

Shoaib, S. & Baruch, Y. (2017). Deviant behavior in a Moderated-Mediation Framework of Incentives, Organizational Justice Perception, and Reward Expectancy Journal of Business Ethics [ABS 3*]

Cristel Antonia Russell & Dina Rasolofoarison (2017): Uncovering the power of natural endorsements: a comparison with celebrity-endorsed advertising and product placements, International Journal of Advertising, DOI: 10.1080/02650487.2017.1348033 [ABS 2*]

Kalyvas, A. (2017). Do Creditor Rights and Information Sharing affect the Performance of Foreign Banks? Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money [ABS 3*]

Tauringana, V. , Mbah, M., and Alexander, P. (2017). Interrogating the importance and awareness of NSS improvement initiatives: A case study of final year undergraduate students, Journal of Further and Higher Education [ABS: 1*], forthcoming.

Urquhart, A. (2017). Price Clustering in Bitcoin. Economics Letters, forthcoming [ABS 3*]

Papers Published

Gandy, A., & Edwards, R. (2017). Enterprise logic vs product logic: the development of GE’s computer product line. Business History, 59(3), 431-452. [ABS 3*]

Awards and Grants

Chipulu, M. , Bayer, S. and Brailsford, S. (2017), 'Algorithms and System Dynamics for Decision and Policy Support of the Integrated Employment Service' Award Amount: £25, 000, Sponsor: London Borough of Tower Hamlets.

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