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The University of Southampton
Southampton Business School

Our February research highlights and achievements

Published: 12 March 2018

This month, we cast a spotlight on some of the most recent activity in Southampton Business School, including publications, speaking engagements and funded research.

Special Achievements

Professor Ven Tauringana has been appointed Editor of Advances in Environmental Accounting and Management book series (ABS 1*).

Julia Wolny and M. Stone (forthcoming) are editors for Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing's Special Issue on 'Exploring the digital customer experience: Smart devices, automation and augmentation'

Dr Ian Dawson was become a Chartered Psychologist of the British Psychological Society.

Simon Wolfe was invited to join the scientific committee for the 10th Portuguese Finance Network Conference 2 - 4 July 2018 ISCTE-IUL

Collins Ntim, ‘Governance and Risk Disclosures in UK Higher Education Institutions’, In Accounting and Financial Management Group’s Research Seminar Series, Newcastle Business School, Northumbria University, Newcastle, UK, 15 February 2018.

Grants & Awards

Sally Brailsford has been awarded a grant by NIHR for a 3-year project titled “Identifying models of care to improve outcomes for older people with emergency and urgent care needs”. The project also involves University of Leicester, LSE and Sheffield (ScHARR). The total award is just over £900k, of which Southampton has been awarded £130k. Our role will be to develop system dynamics models for patient flow through the emergency & unscheduled care system.

Krishanthi (Krish) Vithana , Yehuda Baruch , and Collins Ntim have been made an award of £56,500 by the ESRC (Impact Acceleration Account), and Aviva Plc. for the interdisciplinary project of "Incorporating the broad ESG agenda in investment analysis: case of climate related engagements".

Dr Ian Dawson and Dr Konstantinos Katsikopoulos were awarded £4,896 by the SBS Small Grants Fund for a project titled ‘Assessing the influence of message scheduling and altruistic framing on prosocial decision making’.

Books, Chapters & Reports

Bart Baesens and Cristian Bravo, Profit Driven Business Analytics

R. Ashman, Julia Wolny and M.Solomon (2018) The Quantified Self: Self-Regulation in Cyborg Consumers, Routledge Companion to Consumer Behaviour

Steffen Bayer , Healthcare human resource planning, Operations Research Applications in Health Care Management

Tapas Mishra , Regional dynamics of rural credit and growth in India, Sustaining High Growth in India

Tapas Mishra , Does social cohesion limit uncertainties in economic growth, Sustaining High Growth in India

Collins Ntim , Defining corporate governance, Global Encyclopedia of Public Administration, Public Policy, and Governance

Published Papers

Marta Degl'innocenti , Financial centres' competitiveness and economic convergence, Environment and Planning A, Environment and Planning A, 0308-518X, 2018. ABS 4*

Pelin Demirel Liu , The impact of regulatory complexity upon self-regulation, Journal of Environmental Management, 0301-4797, 0301-4797, 2018.

Kun Duan and Tapas Mishra , Space matters, Economics Letters, 0165-1765, 2018. ABS 3*

Cristian Bravo , A robust profit measure for binary classification model evaluation, Expert Systems with Applications, 0957-4174, 2018. ABS 3*

Michail Veliziotis , Local-level immigration and life satisfaction, Environment and Planning A, Environment and Planning A, 0308-518X, 2018. ABS 4*

Maxwell Chipulu and Alasdair Marshall , An examination of the ‘rule of law’ and ‘justice’ implications in Online Dispute Resolution in construction projects, International Journal of Project Management, 0263-7863, 2018. ABS 2*

Alvaro Perez Diaz, Enrico Gerding, Francis McGroarty , Coordination and payment mechanisms for electric vehicle aggregators, Applied Energy, Applied Energy - Elsevier, 0306-2619, 2018.

Papers Accepted

Nikolaos Kalyvas , Will strangers help you enter?, Journal Financial Services Research, 0920-8550, 2017, ABS 3*

Mario Brito , Updating Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Risk based on the Effectiveness of Failure Prevention and Correction, Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 0739-0572, 2018, ISI 2.425

Eng Cheah, Tapas Mishra , Zhuang Zhang, Long memory interdependency and inefficiency in Bitcoin markets, Economics Letters, 0165-1765, 2018, ABS 3*

Ntim, Collins , Accounting and philosophy, Journal of Accounting and Taxation, 2141-6664, 2018,

Anastasios Oikonomidis and Johnnie Johnson ,  New entry, strategic diversity and efficiency in soccer betting markets, European Journal of Finance, 1351-847X, 2018, ABS 3*

Alaa Zalata , Do forward-looking narratives affect investors' valuation of UK FTSE all-shares firms?, Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, 0924-865X, 2018, 3*

Alaa Zalata , Earnings management in the aftermath of the zero-earnings discontinuity disappearance, Journal of Applied Accounting Research, , 2018,

Jun Guan Neoh, Maxwell Chipulu, Alasdair Marshall and Adam Tewkesbury, How commuters’ motivations to drive relate to propensity to carpool, Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 0965-8564, 2018, ABS 3*

Tahir Nisar , Effects of best management practices on the performance and productivity of small firms, Production Planning & Control, Production Planning and Control, 0953-7287, 2018, ABS 3*

Andrew Urquhart , What causes the attention of Bitcoin?, Economics Letters, 0165-1765, 2018, ABS 3*

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