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Southampton Business School

March research highlights and achievements from the Business School

Published: 16 April 2018
research achievements

This month, we cast a spotlight on some of the most recent activity in Southampton Business School, including publications, speaking engagements and funded research.

Special Achievements

Cristián Bravo is co-editing a Special Issue titled "Business Analytics – Emerging Trends and Challenges", in the journal Information Sciences, a top 8 journal in computer science. The SI will be published May 2019.

Andrew Urquhart has been appointed an Associate Editor of the International Review of Financial Analysis (3).

Bart Baesens and Cristian Bravo have co-edited a Special Issue on Profit-Driven Analytics, Big Data

Sally Brailsford has edited an edition of Operational research applied to health services, for the Operations Research Health Care Journal.


Lin Fenfang has been awarded a £2,000 grant from Newton Fund UK - Thailand Research Links Workshop on 'Sustainable business development through technology and innovation: Micro, SMEs' digital transformation in Thailand', Bangkok, 26-30 March 2018.


Bart Baesens and Cristian Bravo - Profit Driven Business Analytics, 2018

Steffen Bayer - Healthcare human resource planning, Operations Research Applications in Health Care Management, 2018

Tapas Mishra , Regional dynamics of rural credit and growth in India, Sustaining High Growth in India, 2018

Tapas Mishra , Does social cohesion limit uncertainties in economic growth, Sustaining High Growth in India, 2018

Collins Ntim , Defining corporate governance, Global Encyclopedia of Public Administration, Public Policy, and Governance, 2018

PhD Completions

The University Senate recently awarded the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) to the following candidate:

Ming-Wei HSU , PhD in Management, supervised by Professor Vanessa Sung, Professor Johnnie Johnson and Dr Tiejun Ma

Conference Papers

Yu Gong , Packaging recovery ecosystems from a circular supply chain perspective – Insights from China and Brazil, 5th International EurOMA Sustainable Operations and Supply Chains Forum, 2018

Tahir Nisar , Productivity enhancement through gamification effects on employee motivation, EURAM Annual Conference, University of Iceland, 19-22 June, 2018, Reykjavik, Iceland, 2018

Published Papers

Collins Ntim , Corporate boards, ownership structures and corporate disclosures: evidence from a developing country, Journal of Applied Accounting Research, 2018, (ABS 2*)

Nongnuch Tantisantiwong , Islamic calendar anomalies, Qualitative Research in Financial Markets, DOI: 1755-4179, 2018

Collins Ntim , Environmental policy, sustainable development, governance mechanisms and environmental performance, Business Strategy and the Environment, DOI: 0964-4733, 2018, (ABS 3*)

Michael R Molesworth , Games people play with brands, Marketing Theory, DOI: 1470-5931, 2018, (ABS 3*)

Ming-Chien Sung , Peter AF , Fraser-mackenzie and Johnnie Johnson , Toward an understanding of the origins of the favourite-longshot bias: Evidence from online poker markets, a real-money natural laboratory, Economica, DOI: 0013-0427, 2018, (ABS 3*)

Papers Accepted

Venancio Tauringana , Financial reporting in hyperinflationary economies and the value relevance of accounting numbers, Review of Accounting Studies, DOI: 1380-6653, 2018 (ABS 4*)

Andrea Eross, Andrew Urquhart , Simon Wolfe , Investigating risk contagion initiated by endogenous liquidity shocks: evidence from the US and Eurozone interbank market, European Journal of Finance, DOI: 1351-847X, 2018, (ABS 3*)

Anastasios Oikonomidis, Johnnie Johnson , New entry, strategic diversity and efficiency in soccer betting markets, European Journal of Finance, DOI: 1351-847X, 2018, (ABS 3*)

Alaa Zalata , Do forward-looking narratives affect investors' valuation of UK FTSE all-shares firms?, Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, DOI: 0924-865X, 2018, (ABS 3*)

Tahir Nisar , Whistle-blowing, Organizational Dynamics, DOI: 0090-2616, 2018, (ABS 2*)

Collins Ntim , The brighter side of being socially responsible, Applied Economics Letters, DOI: 1350-4851, 2018, (ABS 1*)

Anne Sweeney, Malcolm Higgs , Nicholas Clarke, Shared leadership in commercial organizations, International Journal of Management Reviews, DOI: 1460-8545, 2018 (ABS 3*)

G. Liu, K. Rong, and W.W. Ko (2018), “Promoting Employee Entrepreneurial Attitudes: An Investigation of Chinese State-owned Enterprises”, International Journal of Human Resource Management, DOI:1 0.1080/ 09585192 . 2018.1460860. (ABS 3*)

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