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The University of Southampton
Southampton Business School

Latest Business School Research Highlights and Achievements

Published: 27 July 2018
news release

We cast a spotlight on some of the most recent activity in Southampton Business School, including publications, speaking engagements and funded research.

Published Papers

Milena Buchs, Abubakr Bahaj, Luke Blunden, Leonidas Bourikas, Jane Falkingham, Patrick James, Mamusu Kamanda & Yue Wu, Sick and stuck at home – how poor health increases electricity consumption and reduces opportunities for environmentally-friendly travel in the United Kingdom, Energy Research and Social Science, 2018

Eng Cheah, Tapas Mishra & Zhuang Zhang, Long memory interdependency and inefficiency in Bitcoin markets, Economics Letters, 2018, (ABS 3*)

Esben Christensen & Alexander Forrester, Developing metamodels for fast and accurate prediction of the draping of physical surfaces, Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering, Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering, 2018, (ABS 3*)

Francesco Rentocchini , Exploring and yet failing less, Industrial and Corporate Change, 2018, (ABS 3*)

Nongnuch Tantisantiwong, East meets West, British Accounting Review, 2018, (ABS 3*)

Yehuda Baruch, The missing link - fairness as the ultimate determinant of service profitability, Recherche et Applications en Marketing , 2018

Shakir Ullah, Ian Harwood & Dima Jamali, ‘Fatwa Repositioning’, Journal of Business Ethics, 2018, (ABS 3*)

Bart Baesens, On the operational efficiency of different feature types for telco Churn prediction, European Journal of Operational Research, 2018, (ABS 4*)

Bart Baesens, Profit maximizing logistic model for customer churn prediction using genetic algorithms, Journal of Swarm and Evolutionary Computation, 2018

Konstantinos Katsikopoulos, Less can be more, Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science, 2018

Yu Gong, IKEA: global sourcing and the sustainable leather initiative, International Food and Agribusiness Management Review, 2018

Papers Accepted

Richard Werner, Sustainability and the financial system - Review of literature 2015, British Actuarial Journal, 2018, (ABS 1*)

Tolga Bektas, The role of operational research in green freight transportation, European Journal of Operational Research, 2018, (ABS 4*)

Taufiq Choudhry, Stock Prices Interdependence during the South Sea Boom and Bust, International Journal of Finance and Economics, 2018, (ABS 3*)

Esben Christensen & Alexander Forrester, Developing metamodels for fast and accurate prediction of the draping of physical surfaces, Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering, Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering, 2018

Ramez Kian & Tolga Bektas, Optimal spare parts management for vessel maintenance scheduling, Annals of Operations Research, 2018, (ABS 3*)

Coliins Ntim, Firm- and country-level antecedents of corporate governance compliance and disclosure in MENA countries, Managerial Auditing Journal, 2018, (ABS 2*)

Mee So, Christophe Mues & Lyn C Thomas, Debtor level collection operations using Bayesian dynamic programming, Journal of the Operational Research Society, 2018, (ABS 3*)

Yuan Wu & Taufiq Choudhry, Information uncertainty and momentum phenomenon amidst market swings, Asia-Pacific Financial Markets, 2018, (ABS 2*)

Ming-Chien Sung, David CJ Mcdonald, Johnnie Johnson & Eng Cheah, Improving prediction market forecasts by detecting and correcting possible over-reaction to price movements, European Journal of Operational Research, 2018, (ABS 4*)

Conference Papers

Beigi, Mina , Human Resource Development: An Overview of Scholarly Endeavors Based on Bibliometric Science Mapping, 2018 UFHRD Conference, Northumbria Business School, Newcastle#

Wang, Weisha , Consumer Wellbeing from Print Media-the effect of body image and self-esteem, 3Rd International Conference on Marketing, Strategy and Policy

Dawson, Ian , Risk Creation, Self-Attribution of Responsibility and Risk Behaviours, The 27th Annual Conference of the Society for Risk Analysis Europe, Ostersund, Sweden

Da Camara, N . (2018). Participatory (or Forum) Theatre in Human Resources Class for Aspiring Managers, British Academy of Management MKE Conference (’Transforming our Teaching Practice Together') London, 20 June.

Sakkas, Athanasios , Urquhart, Andrew, Basking in reflected glory and stock returns, British Accounting and Finance Association (BAFA) Annual Conference

Melike Nur Tunalioglu , Mine Karatas-Ozkan, Laura Costanzo, Yehuda Baruch "Academic Entrepreneurship and Diversity: the lens of institutional logics"

Hien Nguyen, Laura Costanzo and Mine Karatas-Ozkan "Stakeholders' perceptions of Sustainable Tourism Entrepreneurship at different stages of tourism development", EURAM Annual Conference, Iceland.

Krasonikolakis, I . (2018). Does the online commerce medium matter? The moderating role of habit and social presence. European Marketing Academy Conference, May, Glasgow.

Grady, D. and D. Baden : 2018, 'Explicit definitions of CSR as mostly philanthropy: A cause for concern? '. 5th International Conference of CSR, Sustainability, Ethics & Governance Santander).

Leidner, S. and D. Baden : 2018, 'Unintended consequences of moving from implicit to explicit CSR in SMEs'. 5th International Conference of CSR, Sustainability, Ethics & Governance Santander, Spain).

Other Special Achievements

Laura Costanzo was an invited speaker on “Qualitative Research” and mentor at the 2018 EURAM Doctoral Colloquim, Iceland.

Konstantinos Katsikopoulos delivered a keynote lecture at the ORBIT [Behavioural Aspects of Operational Research Interventions in Transformational Projects] Workshop organised by the Warwick Business School at its Shard campus.

Konstantinos Katsikopoulos was elected to be the Academic Chair of The Operational Research (OR) Society’s Special Interest Group in Behavioural OR, starting from October 2018 [Industry Chair will be Jon Malpass of British Telecom].

Dr Andrew Urquhart , along with Prof Brian Lucey (TCD), Dr Shaen Corbet (DCU) and Dr Larisa Yarovaya (Anglia-Ruskin) are editing a special issue on cryptocurrencies in Research in International Business and Finance. The deadline is 15th January 2019 and more information can be sought on their website .

Professor Collins Ntim has been elected to serve as the Chairperson of the British Accounting and Finance Association’s (BAFA) Special Interest Group (SIG) on Accounting and Finance in Emerging Economies (AFEE) for three years.

Professor Collins Ntim won the best paper award for his paper co-authored with Ahmed Elamer entitled ‘Are bank risk disclosures informative? Evidence from debt markets’ at the Accounting and Accountability in Emerging Economies conference that concluded in June at Essex Business School.

Denise Baden won the ESRC Impact in Business prize ‘Using the ripple effect to promote sustainable hair-care practices across the population via hairdressers’

Denise Baden had an article published in the Southampton Daily Echo

PhD Completions

The University Senate recently awarded the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) to the following candidates:

  • Farooq Ahmad, PhD in Management, supervised by Dr Edgar Meyer and Dr Alessia D’Amato
  • Abdulaziz Aldhehayan, PhD in Management, supervised by Dr Pawan Tamvada, Dr Stratos Ramoglou and Prof Mine Karatas-Ozkan
  • Bander Alrebeay, PhD in Management, supervised by Dr Guy Vernon and Prof Nicholas Clarke
  • Laura Deflorio, PhD in Management, supervised by Dr John Marti and Prof Simon Wolfe
  • Lawrence Green, iPhD Web Science, supervised by Dr Tiejun Ma, Prof Vanessa Sung, Prof Wendy Hall and Dr Thanassis Tiropanis
  • William Lawrence, iPhD Web Science, supervised by Dr Tiejun Ma, Prof Vanessa Sung, Prof Wendy Hall and Dr Thanassis Tiropanis
  • Katherine Penny, PhD in Management, supervised by Prof Sally Brailsford, Dr Steffen Bayer and Prof Maria Evandrou
  • Di Wang, PhD in Management, supervised by Prof Frank McGroarty and Dr Jeremy Cheah
  • Su Wang, PhD in Management, supervised by Dr Pingli Li and Dr Qingjing Zhang
  • Peiyu Yuan, PhD in Management, supervised by Dr Pawan Tamvada and Dr Pelin Demirel Liu
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