Latest research news and achievements from the Business School

We cast a spotlight on some of the most recent activity in Southampton Business School, including publications, speaking engagements and funded research from September 2018
Papers Accepted
Bakoush, M., Gerding, E., &
Wolfe, S
. (2018). Margin requirements and systemic liquidity risk. Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money. DOI: 10.1016/j.intfin.2018.09.007, (ABS 3*).
Restocchi, V.,
McGroarty, F.
, & Gerding, E. (2018). The stylized facts of prediction markets: analysis of price changes. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, (ABS 2*).
Shahab, Y.,
Ntim, C.G
., Chengang, Y., Ullah, F., & Fosu, S. (2018). Environmental policy, environmental performance and financial distress in China: do top management team characteristics matter? Business Strategy and the Environment, 1-18. DOI: 10.1002/bse.2229, (ABS 3*).
Bakoush, M., Aboarab , R., &
Wolfe, S
. (2018). Disentangling the impact of securitization on bank profitability. Research in International Business and Finance. DOI: 10.1016/j.ribaf.2018.09.013, (ABS 2*).
Bakoush, M., Gerding, E., &
Wolfe, S
. (2018). Margin requirements and systemic liquidity risk. Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money. DOI: 10.1016/j.intfin.2018.09.007, (ABS 3*).
Baruch, Y.
, & Rousseau, D. M. (2018). Integrating psychological contracts and their stakeholders in career studies and management. Academy of Managment Annals. DOI: 10.5465/annals.2016.0103, (ABS 4*).
Chipulu, M
., Ojiako, U., Marshall, A., Williams, T., Bititci, U., Mota, C., ... Stemati, T. (2018). A dimensional analysis of stakeholder saliences in the assessment of project outcomes. Production Planning & Control, 1, (ABS 3*).
Choudhry, T
. (2018). Economic policy uncertainty and house prices: evidence from geographical regions of England and Wales. Real Estate Economics. (ABS 3*).
Papakyriakou, P.
, Sakkas, A., & Taoushianis, Z. (2018). Financial firm bankruptcies, international stock markets and investor sentiment. International Journal of Finance and Economics. DOI: 10.1002/ijfe.1674, (ABS 3*).
Restocchi, V.,
McGroarty, F.
, & Gerding, E. (2018). The stylized facts of prediction markets: analysis of price changes. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, (ABS 2*).
Sarhan, A.,
Ntim, C.G
, & Al-Najjar, B. (2018). Board diversity, corporate governance, corporate performance and executive pay. International Journal of Finance & Economics. DOI: 10.1002/ijfe.1690, (ABS 3*).
Soobaroyen, T.,
Ntim, C.G
Broad, M
., Vithana, V., & Agrizzi, D. (2018). Exploring the oversight of risk management in UK higher education institutions: the case of audit committees. Accounting Forum, (ABS 3*).
Bakoush, M., Aboarab , R., &
Wolfe, S
. (2018). Disentangling the impact of securitization on bank profitability. Research in International Business and Finance. DOI: 10.1016/j.ribaf.2018.09.013, (ABS 2*).
Published Papers
Abdul Wahab, N.,
Ntim, C.G
, Adnan, M. M. M., & Ling, T. W. (2018). Top management team heterogeneity, governance changes and book-tax differences. Journal of International Accounting Auditing and Taxation, 32, 30-46. DOI: 10.1016/j.intaccaudtax.2018.07.002, (ABS 3*).
Ansah, J. P., Koh, V.,
Bayer, S.
, Harper, P., & Matchar, D. (2018). Healthcare human resource planning. In C. Kahraman, & Y. I. Topcu (Eds.), Operations Research Applications in Health Care Management (pp. 515-541). (International Series in Operations Research and Management Science; Vol. 262). Springer International Publishing. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-65455-3_20
Chaney, I., Hosany, S., Wu, M-S. S.,
Chen, C-H. S
., & Nguyen, B. (2018). Size does matter: Effects of in-game advertising stimuli on brand recall and brand recognition. Computers in Human Behavior, 86, 311-318. DOI: 10.1016/j.chb.2018.05.007, (ABS 3*).
Halari, A., Helliar, C., Power, D. M., &
Tantisantiwong, N
. (2018). Islamic calendar anomalies: Pakistani Practitioners' perspective. Qualitative Research in Financial Markets, 10(1), 71-84., (ABS 1*).
Costanzo, L. A.
(2018) Organisational Ambidexterity in the UK Financial Services: A Corporate Level Perspective, European Management Review (ABS 3*).
Jenkins, R., &
Molesworth, M.
(2018). Conceptualising consumption in imagination: relationships and movements between imaginative forms and the marketplace. Marketing Theory, 1-21. DOI: 10.1177/1470593117740753, (ABS 3*).
Makarem, N., Hussainey, K., &
Zalata, A.
(2018). Earnings management in the aftermath of the zero-earnings discontinuity disappearance. Journal of Applied Accounting Research, 19(3), 401-422. DOI: 10.1108/JAAR-03-2017-0047, (ABS 2*).
Nguyen, Q.,
Nisar, T.,
Knox, D., & Prabhakar, G. (2018). Understanding customer satisfaction in the UK quick service restaurant industry: the influence of the tangible attributes of perceived service quality. British Food Journal, 120(6), 1207-1222. DOI: 10.1108/BFJ-08-2017-0449, (ABS 1*).
Nkundabayanga, S.,
Tauringana, V.
, & Muhwezi, M. (2018). Management accounting practices, governing boards and competitive advantage of Ugandan secondary schools. The International Journal of Management Education, 32(6), 958-974. DOI: 10.1108/IJEM-02-2017-0034, (ABS 1*).
Nordensvard, J., Zhou, Y., &
Zhang, X
. (2018). Innovation core, innovation semi-periphery and technology transfer: the case of wind energy patents. Energy Policy, 120, 213-227. DOI: 10.1016/j.enpol.2018.04.048, (ABS 2*).
Tantisantiwong, N
., & Simmons, P. (2018). Evaluation of individual and group lending under asymmetric information. (Discussion Papers in Economics; No. 18/01). York: University of York.
Vakis, A. I., Yastrebov, V. A., Scheibert, J., Nicola, L., Dini, D., Minfray, C., ... Ciavarella, M. (2018). Modeling and simulation in tribology across scales: an overview. Tribology International, 125, 169-199. DOI: 10.1016/j.triboint.2018.02.005.
Óskarsdóttir, M., Van Calster, T.,
Baesens, B
., Lemahieu, W., & Vanthienen, J. (2018). Time series for early churn detection: using similarity based classification for dynamic networks. Expert Systems with Applications, 106, 55-65. DOI: 10.1016/j.eswa.2018.04.003, (ABS 3*).
Choudhry, T.
(2018). Economic policy uncertainty and house prices: evidence from geographical regions of England and Wales. Real Estate Economics, (ABS 3*).
Fosu, S., Agyei-Boapeah, H., Danso, A.,
Ntim, C.G
., & Murinde, V. (2018). How does banking market power affect bank opacity? Evidence from analysts’ forecasts. International Review of Financial Analysis, 60, 38-52. DOI: 10.1016/j.irfa.2018.08.015, (ABS 3*).
Van Rossenberg, Y.,
Klein, H.
, Asplund, K., Bentein, K., Breitsohl, H., Cohen, A., ... Yalabik, Z. (2018). The future of workplace commitment: key questions and directions. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 27(2), 153-167. DOI: 10.1080/1359432X.2018.1443914, (ABS 3*).
Books and Book Chapters
Verbeke, W.,
Baesens, B.
, &
Bravo, C.
(2018). Profit Driven Business Analytics: A Practitioner's Guide to Transforming Big Data into Added Value. (Wiley & SAS Business Series). Hoboken, NJ, USA: John Wiley & Sons. DOI: 10.1002/9781119443179.
Wang, W., &
Chen, C-H. S.
(2018). Consumer Wellbeing from Print Media-the effect of body image and self-esteem. In 3Rd International Conference on Marketing, Strategy and Policy Newcastle University.
Mallick, S., Mishra, B., &
Mishra, T.
(2018). Regional dynamics of rural credit and growth in India. In P. Agarwal (Ed.), Sustaining High Growth in India Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Mishra, T
., Mallick, S., Parhi, M., & Gupta, P. (2018). Does social cohesion limit uncertainties in economic growth: A pre- and postreform analysis from India. In P. Agarwal (Ed.), Sustaining High Growth in India Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Ntim, C.G
. (2018). Defining corporate governance: Shareholder versus stakeholder models. In A. Farazmand (Ed.), Global Encyclopedia of Public Administration, Public Policy, and Governance Springer International Publishing.
PhD Completions
Carlos Lamas Fernandez, PhD in Management, supervised by Prof Julia Bennell and
Dr Antonio Martinez Sykora
Surya Raharja, PhD in Management, supervised by Prof Teeven Soobaroyen and
Dr John Malagila
Conference Papers
Beigi, Mina
, Human resource development, 2018 UFHRD Conference, Northumbria Business School, Newcastle, United Kingdom.
Fosu, S. and
Ntim, C.G
. ‘Credit information sharing and bank intermediation cost: Do concentration and governance matter?’, African Accounting and Finance Association Annual Conference, CESAG Business School, Dakar, Senegal, September 2018.
Liu, W.,
Luo, D.
, Park, S., & Zhao, H. (2018). Liquidity risk and the labor hiring premium. In 2018 British Accounting and Finance Association Annual Meeting.
Ramoglou, S
., Jayakesera, R. & Soobaroyen, T. The Accidental Implementation of an Institutional Ritual, 2018 Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Chicago, US (Organization and Management Theory Division).
Ramoglou, S
., Gartner, W. B. & Tsang, E. W. K. Logic Matters: A Metatheoretical Analysis of the Question of the Entrepreneur, 2018 Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Chicago, US (Entrepreneurship Division).
Shirmohammadi, M., &
Beigi, M
. (2018). Non-sustainable careers and the times of political conflicts: the case of Iranian engineers in the United States. In Academy of Management 2018 Conference Academy of Management.
Sakkas, A., &
Urquhart, A
. (2018). Basking in reflected glory and stock returns. Paper presented at British Accounting and Finance Association (BAFA) Annual Conference , London, United Kingdom.
Sakkas, A., &
Urquhart, A
. (2018). Basking in reflected glory and stock returns. Paper presented at European Financial Management Association Conference, Milan, Italy.
Other Achievements
Max Chipulu
won the prestigious Publon’s Global Best Reviewer Award. This is awarded to the top 1% of reviewers in each field who performed the most verified pre-publication peer reviews on Publons for the 2018 global Peer Review Awards.”
Dr. Cristián Bravo
Professor Christophe Mues
have been granted an ESRC PhD studentship in AI for the project titled “Image-Based Credit Scoring for Micro and SME”. The grant, valued at £66,000, will allow them to recruit a PhD student with full fees, stipend and expenses covered for a period of 3.5 years. Only 7 grants were awarded nationwide.
Konstantinos Katsikopoulos
was invited to deliver a short course on “Decision theory and rules of thumb” at the Advanced School on Water, Energy, Food Nexus, at the University of Campinas, Brazil [October 2018].
Krish Vithana, Yehuda Baruch
Collins Ntim
Peter Rejchrt
organised a very successful stakeholder engagement workshop in collaboration with the Global Responsible Investment team of Aviva Investors and the Living Wage Foundation in Aviva investors head office, London on 17th September 2018. The event was well attended leading to a stimulating discussion between industry and academia with participants from universities, investment management firms, Aviva Plc, stock brokers, responsible investment charities and other non governmental organisations.
Martin Broad
Chaired and presented at the Chartered ABS ‘Focus on…’ Series (focus on Vietnam) at University of Liverpool in London, September 26th.
Oliver Marnet
presented his paper - “Joint Audit – A means to reduce bias and enhance scepticism in financial statement audits”, at the British Academy of Management (BAM) Annual Conference 2018 (Bristol, 5 September, 2018), where he was also session chair. Oliver was also elected a member of the BAM Corporate Governance SIG and awarded the Best Reviewer Award (Corporate Governance Stream).
Rob Jack
presented “Engaging Videos for Placement Learning” at the 2018 ASET conference at the University of Nottingham.
Stephan Onggo
is one of the organizing committee members of the EURO 2019 Conference in Dublin. (
ESRC has appointed
Tahir Nisar
a member of the commissioning panel for its research funding call (£4.5 million) on Management Practices and Employee Engagement, and their Relationships with Productivity.
PhD candidate
Catherine Guest
was selected to represent the University at the Helen Alexander Memorial Lecture "Women on Business" with Christine Lagarde, President of the International Monetary Fund. Catherine Guest’s PhD thesis, currently supervised by Prof Laura Costanzo and Prof Mine Karatas-Ozkan, focuses on the challenges facing female entrepreneurs who are mothers and how empowering that experience can ultimately be.