Latest research news and achievements from SBS - February 2019
We cast a spotlight on some of the most recent activity in Southampton Business School, including publications, special achievements and funded research from January 2019.
Papers Accepted
Baruch, Yehuda , (2019), Factors related to knowledge creation and career outcomes in French academia, Academy of Management, Learning and Education, 1537-260X, 1537-260X, [ABS 4*]
Beigi, Mina , (2019), A Critical Plot Twist: Changing Characters and Foreshadowing the Future of Organizational Storytelling, International Journal of Management Reviews, 1460-8545, 1460-8545, [ABS 3*]
Gong, Yu , (2019), Logistics innovation in China, Sustainability (Switzerland), 2071-1050, 2071-1050
Jory, Surendranath , (2019), Options trades, short sales and real earnings management, Accounting and Business Research, 0001-4788, 0001-4788, [ABS 3*]
Ko, W. W ., Liu, G., Wan Yusoff, W. T. and Che Mat, C. R. (2019), "Social Entrepreneurial Passion and Social Innovation Performance", Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, awaiting DOI. [ABS 3*]
Ko, Wai Wai (Joyce) , (2018), How information technology assimilation promotes exploratory and exploitative innovation in the small- and medium-sized firm context: the role of contextual ambidexterity and knowledge base, Journal of Product Innovation Management, 0737-6782, 0737-6782, [ABS 4*]
Leidner, S., D. Baden and M. Ashleigh : in press, 'Green (environmental) HRM: Aligning ideals with appropriate practices', Personnel Review.
Nayak, Ajit , (2019), Non-cognitive microfoundations, Academy of Management Review, 0363-7425, 0363-7425, [ABS 4* *]
Nisar, Tahir , (2018), Up the ante, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 0969-6989, 0969-6989, [ABS 2*]
Nisar, Tahir
, (2019), Facebook usage and mental health: an empirical study of role of non-directional social comparisons, International Journal of Information
Management, 0268-4012, 0268-4012, [ABS 3*]
Ntim, Collins , (2019), Decoupling management inefficiency:, International Review of Financial Analysis, 1057-5219, 1057-5219, [ABS 3*]
Ntim, Collins, Zalata, Alaa , (2018), Impact of multi-layer governance on bank risk disclosure in emerging markets, Accounting Forum, 0155-9982, 0155-9982
Yarovaya, Larisa , (2018), Price and volatility spillovers across the international steam coal market, Energy Economics, 0140-9883, 0140-9883, [ABS 3*]
Published Papers
Baden, D .: 2018, 'Environmental storytelling can help spread big ideas for saving the planet', The Conversation, saving-the-planet-107621
Bravo, Cristian , Baesens, Bart , The value of big data for credit scoring, Applied Soft Computing, 1568-4946
Marnet, Oliver , Audit within the corporate governance paradigm, British Journal of Management, 1045-3172, [ABS 4*]
Platanakis, Emmanouil, Sakkas, Athanasio s, The role of transaction costs and risk aversion when selecting between one and two regimes for portfolio models, Applied Economics Letters, 1350-4851, [ABS 1*]
Papakyriakou, Panayiotis, Sakkas, Athanasios , Financial firm bankruptcies, international stock markets and investor sentiment, International Journal of Finance & Economics, 1076-9307, [ABS 3*]
Sung, Ming-Chien , McDonald, David CJ, Johnson, Johnnie, Cheah, Eng , Improving prediction market forecasts by detecting and correcting possible over-reaction to price movements, European Journal of Operational Research, 0377-2217, 0377-2217, 0377-2217, [ABS 4*]
Contribution to Conference Papers
Wolfe, Simon, Urquhart, Andrew J , Eross, Andrea, An early warning indicator for liquidity shortages in the interbank market
Books and Book Chapters
Baruch, Yehuda , (2019) Vocational Identity and Career Construction in Education
Kunc, Martin
(2019) Strategic Analytics: Integrating Management Science and Strategy:
PhD Completions
The following PhD’s were awarded in January
• Costa Sperb, Luis supervised by Tiejun Ma and Vanessa Sung
• Bakoush, Mohamed supervised by Simon Wolfe and Enrico Gerding
• Ivanov, Plamen supervised by Richard Werner and Helen Paul
• Abdul Rahman, Rusniza supervised by Oliver Marnet and Kevin Holland
• Al Sedran, Hassan supervised by Alasdair Marshall and Ian Harwood
• Al Fadhel, Hessa supervised by Teerooven Soobaroyen and Krishanthi Vithana
• Husain, Saima supervised by Weisha Wang and Mike Molesworth
Other Special Achievements
Yehuda Baruch organised a British Academy of Management event ‘Research Directors REF preparation away day’.
Mina Beigi has delivered a guest speech at the International Centre for Parliamentary Studies (based in London) towards their Professional Certificate in Human Resource Management.
Cristian Bravo
was invited by Deloitte & SAS to give a seminar entitled “Emerging credit risk methodologies for Basel IV” in Santiago, Chile, to risk managers of several major Chilean banks.
Richard Cartwright is establishing a community of practice between universities to enhance the student experience through competition, Susan Whittaker, Helen Scott, Nicola Horner and Clodagh Hegarty
Richard Cartwright is embedding the use of ICAEW Films into Accounting Curricula
Amy Fraher was recently appointed to the 4* Journal Human Relations Editorial Board.
Bruce Hearn presented 3 research papers at World Finance Association annual conference in December 2018 in Taiching city, Taiwan
Bruce Hearn visited the Fukuoka stock exchange and Kyushu chamber of commerce and entrepreneurship in southern Japan in December 2018. Fukuoka stock exchange is one of Asia's smallest and is one of 5 regional stock exchanges in Japan's very distinct regions outside of Tokyo.
Martin Kunc has been appointed member of the editorial board of Futures & Foresight Science, a journal published by Wiley