Latest research news and achievements from SBS - March 2019

We cast a spotlight on some of the most recent activity in Southampton Business School, including publications, special achievements and funded research from February 2019.
Papers Accepted
Baesens, Bart , 2019, tcc2vec: RFM-informed representation learning on call graphs for churn prediction, Journal of Information Science, 0165-5515, (ABS 2*)
Nisar, Tahir , 2019, Facebook usage and mental health: An empirical study of role of non-directional social comparisons in the UK, International Journal of Information Management, 0268-4012, (ABS 2*)
Onggo, Stephan , 2019, Optimising the barrier coverage of a wireless sensor network with hub-and-spoke topology using mathematical and simulation models, Computers & Operations Research, , 0305-0548, (ABS 3*)
Tamvada, Jagannadha Pawan , 2019, The returns to occupations: the role of minimum wage and gender in Nigeria, World Development Perspectives, 2452-2929,
Papers Published
Baden, D .: 2019, ' Change the way you wash your hair to help save the environment ', The Conversation, Feb 11
Griffiths, Valeriya, Scanlan, James, Eres, Murat, Martinez Sykora, Antonio , 2019, Cost-driven build orientation and bin packing of parts in Selective Laser Melting (SLM), European Journal of Operational Research, , 0377-2217, (ABS 4*)
Platanakis, Emmanouil, Sakkas, Athanasios , 2019, The role of transaction costs and risk aversion when selecting between one and two regimes for portfolio models, Applied Economics Letters, 1350-4851, (ABS 1*)
Restocchi, Valerio, Mcgroarty, Francis , Gerding, Enrico, 2019, The stylized facts of prediction markets, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 0378-4371, 1873-2119, (ABS 2*)
Shukla, Paurav , 2019, Resilience, Parenting Style, and Children’s Eating
Grants and Rewards
So., M.C., Bravo, C. & Mues, C . Using advanced analytics to support national central banks in managing their banknote production. Collaborator: De La Rue. Jan-Mar 2019, funded by ESRC Impact Acceleration Account £18,579.
Contribution to Conference Papers
Wolfe, Simon, Urquhart, Andrew J, Eross, Andrea, An early warning indicator for liquidity shortages in the interbank market
PhD Completions
The following PhD completions took place in February:
- Anne Sweeney, supervised by Malcolm Higgs and Nicholas Clarke.
Book and Book Chapters
Baruch, Yehuda ,The Turkish academic labor market as an ecosystem, Vocational Identity and Career Construction in Education
Boolaky, P K, Ghattas, Peter, Marnet, Oliver , Soobaroyen, T; International Standards on Auditing (ISAs): conflicting influences on implementation, Routledge Companion: Accounting in Emerging Economies.
Other Special Achievements
Yehuda Baruch was awarded by Publons: Top peer reviewer for the University of Southampton 2018
Larisa Yarovaya has been appointed as an Associate Editor for the International Review of Economics and Finance academic journal.
Oliver Marnet is now a member of the British Academy of Management - Corporate Governance Special Interest Group (SIG) Committee.
Southampton Business School will be hosting the BAM Corporate Governance Conference, 24th-25th June 2019, organised by above SIG.