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The University of Southampton
Southampton Business School

Business School Academic appointed to two high profile positions

Published: 22 January 2021
Richard Cartwright

Richard Cartwright, a Member of University Council and Principal Teaching Fellow in Accounting in the Business School, has been appointed to two high profile positions. He has joined the Board of Motability as a Governor and the National Audit Office as an Independent External Member of their Audit and Risk Assurance Committee.

Motability is a substantial national charity, which sets strategic policies and direction of the Motability Scheme (Europe’s largest car leasing scheme) using its charitable funds in excess of £1bn to help achieve its vision of a future where no disabled person is disadvantaged due to poor access to transportation.

The National Audit Office (NAO) is the UK’s independent public spending watchdog, which supports Parliament in holding government to account and helping to improve public services through high-quality audits.

Having spent the past three years Chairing the ICAEW’s Assessment Committee and sitting on their Learning and Professional Development Board, Richard is excited to start these new positions adding:

“I passionate about enterprise informed teaching. Engaging with government, professional bodies, charities and businesses has a mutual benefit. I enjoy share my academic and professional knowledge with other organisations and bringing this experience back to benefit students in my classroom”.

He encourages other academics to engage in a similar way and it’s happy to support others who might be interested in doing so.

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