New research collaboration partnership with Audencia Business School

On 8 June 2021 Southampton Business School (SBS) and Audencia Business School (ABS) in Nantes, France, came together virtually to celebrate the signing of their Memorandum of Understanding.
Audencia is a top business school in France accredited by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB), the Association of MBAs (AMBA) and the EFMD Quality Improvement System (EQUIS). Both institutions have already been working in the past year on new research projects and have also signed a Student Exchange partnership. This new research partnership will facilitate opportunities for writing joint research and grant applications, undertaking collaborative research to create impact for businesses, enterprises and society at large. It will add significant value to the future REF and internationalisation agenda of SBS.
Dr Rob Angell, Director of Internationalisation at SBS, said:
“There is something deeply special about the activity that is already ongoing with ABS. We at Southampton feel we have truly met some kindred spirits in Professor Emilios Galariotis (Associate Dean for Research at ABS) and Dr Ramzi Benkraiem (Head of Research and Partnerships at ABS).

“Thank you to everyone for making this happen: Professor Yehuda Baruch (Professor of Management) for the introductions, Professor Collins Ntim (Deputy Head of School – SBS, Research & Enterprise) for your support and Dr Ajit Nayak (Associate Professor of Strategy – SBS) for engaging so well with Audencia. Also Professor Laura Constanzo (Head of School – SBS) and Professor Sabu Padmadas (Associate Dean of International – Faculty of Social Sciences International Office) for all your enthusiasm and support.”