Intergreat session - March 2022

On 16th March 2022, Dr Regina Frei (Associate Professor in Operations and Supply Chain Management & Programme leader for the MSc Strategic Operations and Supply Chain (SOSCM)) and Miriam Gomez Lopez (Faculty of Social Sciences International Officer) had a very engaging and interactive session talking to prospective students about University of Southampton, Faculty of Social Sciences & the New MSc SOSCM at University of Southampton Business School.
During the session, prospective students discovered a wide range of opportunities available to them while studying at
University of Southampton Business School
including career support & opportunities, engagement with industry, the alumni network, student experience and a wide range of services and support available to them.
Colette Nsofor (PhD Researcher in Food Supply Chain resilience) shared her experience as a student at University of Southampton Business School and information about other services available to international students including meet and greet, student societies and academic support.
Finally, the session concluded with a Q&A session where students had the opportunity to ask any burning questions they had.
Dr Regina Frei said: “It was so great to meet virtually with prospective students from so many countries around the world including China, Vietnam, India, Malaysia, Japan, Oman, Uzbekistan, Indonesia, Canada, Brazil, Kazakhstan, Saudi Arabia! We are really looking forward to meeting you in person in Southampton soon!
I would like to thank all the colleagues involved in this session, Dr Nicholas Dacre (Associate Professor of Project Management, Director of the Advanced Project Management Research Centre (APROM), Dr Hao Dong, (Lecturer in Management, Director of Strategy & Collaboration of APROM Research Centre) Colette Nsofor & Miriam Gomez Lopez, we could not have done this session without you!
Last (but not least) thanks to Elodie Sprenger & Lizzie Eyres from our International Office for bringing this opportunity to do this session with InterGreat Education Group! And Jamie Auld Smith and Mai Pham at InterGreat Education Group!”