UKEC Spring Conversion Fair - April 2022

On 1st April 2022, the UKEC Spring Conversion Fair took place online. UKEC represents over 100 UK and Irish universities and is the leading UK education consultancy with offices in the UK.
The fair was organised by Elodie Sprenger, Country Development Manager, who is responsible for UK International. Colleagues from the Faculty of Social Sciences, Miriam Gomez Lopez (Faculty International Officer) and Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Xiaoyue Jiang (Luna) (Faculty Internationalisation Manager) also took part on the session as well as 2 current students.
The session consisted of:
- An Introduction to University of Southampton and different faculties by Elodie Sprenger
- An interactive session with current students:
- YingXin Zhang (FSS, BSc Accounting and Finance student and a volunteer member of the FSS Global Lounge Committee)
- Katherine Zhuang (FAH student)
- Q&A with everyone
Elodie Sprenger said: “It was great to lead this session and talk to so many students. I would like to extend my special thanks to our student YingXin & Katherine. We had very engaging conversations with our students, it was lovely to hear about their experiences and I think attendees really enjoyed this part too. Thank you to UKEC for all your help organising and also Luna and Miriam for helping out during the session!”
To find more information about UKEC and what they do, visit their main site .