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The University of Southampton
Southampton Business School

Seminar from Dr I-Husuan Hong Event

24 August 2015
Building 2

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Event details

This week Southampton Business School is welcoming Dr I-Hsuan Hong from the Institute of Industrial Engineering at National Taiwan University. Dr I-Hsuan Hong will be presenting a CORMSIS seminar titled ‘Closed-loop supply chains: Government’s perspective and firms’ perspective in the e-scrap industry’.

The seminar will discuss the main ideas of dynamic games and using them in closed-loop supply chain applications: advanced recycling fee (ARF) and subsidy fee determination in a government’s perspective and recycling option in a firm’s perspective. In a government’s perspective, a Stackelberg-type model is presented while in a firm’s perspective, a retailer collection model is proposed.

Speaker information

Dr I-Hsuan Hong ,Institute of Industrial Engineering at National Taiwan,Dr I-Hsuan Hong is currently an Associate Professor in the Institute of Industrial Engineering at National Taiwan University. He received his B.S. and M.S. from National Taiwan University in 1997 and 1999, and his Ph.D. in Industrial and Systems Engineering from Georgia Institute of Technology in the U.S. in 2005. His research interests include modelling and analysis of problems and algorithms in closed-loop supply chain management. He has participated in the research projects funded by the state of Georgia, the Industrial Technology Research Institute and several well-known private companies in Taiwan.

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