Advanced industries, job multipliers and living standards in Britain Event
- Time:
- 14:15 - 16:00
- Date:
- 15 March 2017
- Venue:
- Building 2, room 3043, Highfield campus, University of Southampton, SO17 1BJ
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Event details
Southampton Business School
Do local residents benefit from the growth of advanced sectors in their local economy? Policymakers invest considerable resources in attracting and developing advanced tradeables such as high-tech, digital or the creative industries. Yet there is little evidence about the impact of these advanced sectors on jobs and living standards for less-well educated residents. This paper addresses this gap by focusing on job creation, employment rates and wages in 182 UK local labour markets from 2009-2015. It shows that advanced sectors had a positive jobs multiplier, increasing employment rates for less-well educated workers. However, this was associated with a reduction in the average wage for less well educated workers. Tests show no crowding-out of other tradeable jobs, suggesting that the negative impact on wages comes from workers entering the labour market, but in relatively low wage personal service jobs. Moreover, there is considerable diversity in the effect between different advanced industries, with the largest multipliers coming from high-tech and digital economy industries.
14:15: Registration
14:30: Keynote seminar
15:30: Q and A
16:00: Event Close
Speaker information
Dr Neil Lee ,LSE,Dr Neil Lee is an Assistant Professor of Economic Geography at the LSE. He is also Director of the MSc in Local Economic Development and the BSc in Geography with Economics. He joined the Department in 2013, having previously been Head of Socio-Economic Research at The Work Foundation. He holds a PhD in Economic Geography from the LSE and was a visiting scholar at TCLab, Columbia University. His research considers cities, economic change and the social dimensions of innovation. He is particularly interested in the distribution of the proceeds of growth and the links between innovation and inequality. He has also published on the economics of the creative industries and the link between cultural diversity, innovation and urban economies