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The University of Southampton
Southampton Business School

Latest research news and achievements from SBS

Published: 11 January 2019

We cast a spotlight on some of the most recent activity in Southampton Business School, including publications, special achievements and funded research from December 2018.

Papers Accepted

Fraser-mackenzie, Peter AF, Ma, Tiejun , Sung, Ming-Chien, Johnson, Johnnie , (2018) “Let’s call it quits: break-even effects in the decision to stop taking risks”, Risk Analysis, ISSN: 0272-4332

Jory, Surendranath , (2018) “Are retailers "bagging" the carrier bag levy in England? An exploratory enquiry”, Journal of Environmental Management, ISSN: 0301-4797, (ABS 3*)

Karatas-Ozkan, Mine , (2018) “Diffusion of sustainability and CSR discourse in hospitality industry”, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, ISSN: 0959-6119, (ABS 3*)

Ko, W. W . and Liu, G. (2018) "How Information Technology Assimilation Promotes Exploratory and Exploitative Innovation in the Small- and Medium-Sized Firm Context: The Role of Contextual Ambidexterity and Knowledge Base", Journal of Product Innovation, DOI: 10.1111/jpim.12486. (ABS4*)

Papers Published

Baden, D .: 2018, 'Environmental storytelling can help spread big ideas for saving the planet', The
Conversation, saving-the-planet-107621

Melika Shirmohammadi, Mina Beigi & Jim Stewart (2018) “Understanding skilled migrants’ employment in the host country: a multidisciplinary review and a conceptual model”, The International Journal of Human Resource Management, ISSN: 0958-5192 (ABS 3*)

Nasri, Moncef Ilies, Bektas, Tolga (2018) “Route and speed optimization for autonomous trucks”, Computers & Operations Research, ISSN: 0305-0548 (ABS 3*)

Nisar, Tahir , “Sports clubs’ use of social media to increase spectator interest”, International Journal of Information Management, ISSN: 0268-4012 (ABS 2*)

Other Special Achievements

Simon Wolfe has been appointed as a member of an International Advisory Panel for a four year period to the Business Research Unit at the University of Lisbon Institute in Portugal

Mina Beigi has been invited to join the editorial board of Human Resource Management (USA) Journal (ABS4*)

Mina Beigi was invited to give a talk in the Follow-up Newton Researcher Links Workshop on “Advancing work, health and well-being in rural and urban Malaysia”, Jan 3-4, 2019

Krish Vithana was invited to give a talk on “The financial materiality of paying employees the real living wage” for the monthly meetings of the Platform Living Wage Financials (An investor collaboration of several Dutch institutional investors) organised by Robeco Investment Management, in Rotterdam, The Netherlands.

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