The Calendar contains the Charter, Statutes, Ordinances and Regulations of the University of Southampton. This page contains the Archive of the 18/19 Calendar.
Note: In accordance with Ordinance 2.12.1(3) the Chair of Council and the President and Vice-Chancellor are ex-officio members of every Committee of the Council. Extract from the Standing Orders of Council, September 2012 (Standing Order 20): ‘The quorum for each committee, board or sub-committee of the Council or joint committees of Council and Senate shall be not less than one third of the total number of members, plus one.’
Health and Safety Audit and Assurance Committee
Consultative Health and Safety Committee
Genetic Modification and Biosafety Committee
Note: In accordance with Ordinance 2.12.1 (4) the President and Vice-Chancellor is ex-officio member of every Committee of the Senate. The President and Vice-Chancellor may delegate this position to one of the Vice-Presidents. One of the Vice-Presidents, as nominated by the President and Vice-Chancellor, will also be a member ex officio of each committee of the Senate.
Extract from the Standing Orders of Senate, October 2009 (Standing Order 25): 'The quorum for each committee, board or sub-committee of the Council or joint committees of Council and Senate shall be not less than one third of the total number of members plus one.'
Academic Quality and Standards Committee
External Research Degrees Committee (held in abeyance)
Research, Integrity and Governance Committee
Statute 4: The Powers of the Council
Statute 5: The Union of Students
Statute 7: Academic Staff - Dismissal, Discipline, Grievance Procedures and related matters
Statute 8: Interpretation of Statutes
Part 1: Officers of the University and the Faculties
Part 2: Organisation and Government
Part 3: Dismissal, Discipline, Grievance Procedures and related matters pursuant to Statute 7
Part 5: Affiliated and Accredited Institutions
Part 6: Members of the University, Friends and Alumni
Part 7: Admission, Examinations and Awards
Regulations for Admission to Degree Programme
Policy and Guidance for Applicants with Criminal Records
Enforceability of Regulations under Regulations for Student Discipline
Regulations Governing Students Sponsored by the Points Based Visa System
University Regulations and the Equality Act
Notification of Change of Personal Details
Academic Integrity Regulations
Attendance and Completion of Programme Requirements
Credit Accumulation and Transfer Scheme
Organisation and Conduct of Examinations
Regulations and Definitions Applying to Progression for all Credit-Bearing Programmes
Progression, Determination and Classification of Results: Postgraduate Master's Programmes (for new students starting in the 2018-19 academic year)
Progression, Determination and Classification of Results: Standalone Master's Programmes (for continuing students who started before the 2018-19 academic year)
Progression, Determination and Classification of Results: Presessional Programmes
Transfer, Suspension, Withdrawal and Termination
Regulations for the use of Computers and Voice and Data Communications Networks **
Regulations for the Use of iSolutions Resources **
Regulations Governing Halls of Residence
Regulations for the Registration and Parking of Motor Vehicles and Bicycles **
Intellectual Property Regulations
Off-Air Recording of Radio and TV Broadcasts for Educational Purposes
Regulations Governing Academic Appeals by Students
Regulations Governing Complaints from Applicants
Regulations Governing Student Complaints
Regulations Governing Student Discipline
Dignity at Work and Study Policy
Code of Practice to Secure Freedom of Speech Within the Law
Procedures for Investigating Cases of Alleged Misconduct in Research
Research Data Management Policy
Regulations for Research Degrees
Code of Practice for Research Degree Candidature and Supervision
Code of Practice for Research Degree Candidature and Supervision Appendix 1 : Induction Information
Regulations for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy awarded jointly with another Institution
Regulations for Members of Staff in Candidature for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy
Art: Postgraduate Taught Programmes
Bachelor of Arts (Hons)/Bachelor of Science (Hons): Non-Modern Language Programmes
Integrated Masters Programmes in Archaelogy
MA, MSc, MMus, MRes and Postgraduate Diploma Courses
iPhD Film and iPhD Applied Linguistics English Language Teaching
PhD Distance Learning Applied Linguistics
Undergraduate Programmes: Biological Sciences
Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science: Geography
Undergraduate Programmes: Environmental Sciences
Postgraduate Programmes: Environmental Sciences
Ocean and Earth Sciences: Undergraduate and Taught Postgraduate Programmes
Bachelor of Nursing (Hons) (Dual Field)
BSc (Hons) Healthcare Management, Policy and Research
BSc (Hons) Occupational Therapy
Mental Health Studies (Psychological Well-being Practitioner Programme) IAPT Level 6
MSc Advanced Clinical Practice
MSc Amputation and Prosthetic Rehabilitation
MSc Clinical Leadership in Cancer, Palliative and End of Life Care
MSc Complex Care in Older People
MSc Leadership and Management in Health and Social Care
MSc Physiotherapy (pre-registration)
MSc Professional Practice Health Sciences
MSc Psychological Therapies and Mental Health
Postgraduate Diploma in Nursing
Postgraduate Diploma Public Health Practice: Specialist Community Public Health Nursing (SCPHN)
Mental Health Studies (Psychological Well-being Practitioner Programme) IAPT Level 7
Doctorate in Clinical Practice
iPhD Clinical and Health Research
BSc (Hons) Public Health Practice (Specialist Community Public Health Nursing)
Postgraduate Certificate and Postgraduate Diploma in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
Doctor of Educational Psychology
Doctor of Health Psychology Research and Professional Practice
Bachelor of Science (Honours) (BSc), Integrated Master of Science (MSci) Natural Sciences
Bachelor / Master of Engineering: Electronics and Computer Science
Master of Science: Electronics and Computer Science
iPhD Complex Systems Simulation
Bachelor of Engineering (BEng) / Master of Engineering (MEng): Engineering
Regulations applying to all Engineering Programmes for Part I only
Definitions applying to all Engineering Programmes for Part I only
Master of Research (MRes) / Master of Science (MSc): Engineering
Undergraduate Programmes: Physics and Astronomy
Bachelor of Science / Bachelor of Science in the Social Sciences
Master of Science / Master of Science in the Social Sciences
Master of Public Administration
Bachelor of Science: Southampton Business School
Master of Business Administration
Master of Science: Southampton Business School
Doctor of Business Administration.pdf
Bachelor of Science: Education
Postgraduate Certificate in Academic Practice (PGCAP)
Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE)
Professional Doctorate of Education