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The University of Southampton
University Calendar

University Calendar Archive 2019/20

The Calendar contains the Charter, Statutes, Ordinances and Regulations of the University of Southampton.  This page contains the Archive of the 19/20 Calendar.

Section II: Court, Council, Senate and Committees

The Council

Committees of the Council

Note: In accordance with Ordinance 2.12.1(3) the Chair of Council and the President and Vice-Chancellor are ex-officio members of every Committee of the Council. Extract from the Standing Orders of Council, September 2012 (Standing Order 20): ‘The quorum for each committee, board or sub-committee of the Council or joint committees of Council and Senate shall be not less than one third of the total number of members, plus one.’

Audit Committee

Finance Committee

Nominations Committee

Remuneration Committee

Standing Committee of Council

Health and Safety Audit and Assurance Committee

Consultative Health and Safety Committee

Genetic Modification and Biosafety Committee

The Senate

Committees of the Senate

Note: In accordance with Ordinance 2.12.1 (4) the President and Vice-Chancellor is ex-officio member of every Committee of the Senate. The President and Vice-Chancellor may delegate this position to one of the Vice-Presidents. One of the Vice-Presidents, as nominated by the President and Vice-Chancellor, will also be a member ex officio of each committee of the Senate.

Extract from the Standing Orders of Senate, October 2009 (Standing Order 25): 'The quorum for each committee, board or sub-committee of the Council or joint committees of Council and Senate shall be not less than one third of the total number of members plus one.'

Academic Quality and Standards Committee

Education Committee

Military Education Committee

Senate Appeals Committee

Student Non-academic Misconduct Committee

External Research Degrees Committee (held in abeyance)

Other Committees and Groups

Negotiating Committees

Research, Integrity and Governance Committee

University Ethics Committee

Section IV: General Information and Regulations

Amended Regulations due to COVID-19

Academic Integrity Regulations - for use from 27 May 2020.

Regulations Governing Academic Appeals by Students (COVID-19) - for use from 27 May 2020.

Regulations Governing Special Considerations (including Deadline Extension Requests) for all Taught Programmes and Taught Assessed Components of Research Degrees - for use from 23 April 2020.

Progression, Determination and Classification of Results: Undergraduate and Integrated Masters Programmes - for use from 6 July 2020.

Progression, Determination and Classification of Results: Postgraduate Master's Programmes - for use from 6 July 2020.


Procedures for Handling Applications from Students with Previous Criminal Convictions

Regulations for Admission to Degree Programme

Policy and Guidance for Applicants with Criminal Records


Enrolment Declaration

Enforceability of Regulations under Regulations for Student Non-academic Misconduct

Regulations Governing Students Sponsored by the Points Based Visa System

University Regulations and the Equality Act


Fees, Charges and Expenses

Management of Student Tuition Fees Debt due to Political, Social and/or Economic Turmoil in Home Countries

Notification of Change of Personal Details

Student Protection Plan

The Students' Union

General Academic Regulations

Academic Integrity Regulations due to Covid-19 these Regulations were replaced by Regulations Governing Academic Integrity (COVID-19) on 26 May 2020. This version includes a statement to direct users to the COVID-19 version of the Regulations.

Attendance and Completion of Programme Requirements

Credit Accumulation and Transfer Scheme

Organisation and Conduct of Examinations

Regulations and Definitions Applying to Progression for all Credit-Bearing Programmes

Progression, Determination and Classification of Results: Undergraduate and Integrated Masters Programmes

Progression, Determination and Classification of Results: Postgraduate Master's Programmes (for students starting from 2018-19 academic year)

Progression, Determination and Classification of Results: Standalone Master's Programmes (for continuing students who started before the 2018-19 academic year)

Progression, Determination and Classification of Results: Presessional Programmes (for applicants who complete enrolment from 1 June 2019 – 30th September 2019)

Regulations Governing Special Considerations (including Deadline Extension Requests) for all Taught Programmes and Taught Assessed Components of Research Degrees - due to Covid-19 these Regulations have been replaced by Regulations Governing Special Considerations (including Deadline Extension Requests) for all Taught Programmes and Taught Assessed Components of Research Degrees  but these Regulations were approved and in use until 22 April 2020.

Transfer, Suspension, Withdrawal and Termination

Transcripts and Certificates

Use of Facilities (Regulations marked '**' also apply to staff)

Regulations for the use of Computers and Voice and Data Communications Networks **

Regulations for the Use of iSolutions Resources **

Identity Cards **

Library Regulations **

Regulations Governing Halls of Residence

Regulations for the Registration and Parking of Motor Vehicles and Bicycles **

Use of University Property **

Intellectual Property (These regulations also apply to staff)

Intellectual Property Regulations

Off-Air Recording of Radio and TV Broadcasts for Educational Purposes

Appeals / Complaints / Student Non-academic Misconduct

Regulations Governing Academic Appeals by Students - due to Covid-19 these Regulations were replaced by Regulations Governing Academic Appeals by Students (COVID-19) on 26 May 2020.  This version includes a statement to direct users to the COVID-19 version of the Regulations.

Regulations Governing Academic Appeals by Students - due to Covid-19 these Regulations were replaced by Regulations Governing Academic Appeals by Students (COVID-19) on 26 May 2020. This version is has no statement.

Regulations Governing Complaints from Applicants

Regulations Governing Student Complaints

Regulations Governing Student Non-academic Misconduct

Policy Documents (These policies also apply to staff)

Data Protection Policy

Dignity at Work and Study Policy

Disability Statement

Equal Opportunities Policy

Ethics Policy

Fitness to Practise Policy

Freedom of Information Policy

Freedom of Speech

Health and Safety Policy

Open Access Policy

Procedure for Investigating Cases of Alleged Misconduct in Research

Research Data Management Policy

Safeguarding Policy

Student Support Review Regulations

Programme Completion

Certification of Awards

Official and Academic Dress

Privacy Settings