Clinical training fellow
Rachel joined CELS in June 2018 as a clinical training fellow to do a PhD. She has nearly completed her training as a clinical geneticist and now wants to spend some time doing dedicated clinical ethics research.
She did a BA in Molecular Medicine at Oxford in 2008, and qualified in medicine in 2011. She worked as a junior doctor in the Severn deanery before moving to Southampton in 2015 to train in clinical genetics. Recently, Rachel has done an MSc in Genomic Medicine where she did her dissertation with the CELS group focusing on whether to report uncertain genetic changes found via genetic testing.
Rachel is interested in how patients, families, clinicians and laboratories perceive and discuss the outcomes from genomic tests, and how they make decisions about which information is relevant to their clinical care and when. She is planning to conduct in-depth interviews with patients and families, and focus groups with clinicians and scientists in order to see how these issues are conceptualised by different people in the real-life clinical setting.
Please take a look at Rachel's website