Meeting research groups focusing on ethical, legal and psychosocial issues in genetics from Southampton, Amsterdam, Utrecht, Groningen
Wednesday December 14 9.30 -17.30; De Kleine Werf, Prinseneiland 6, Amsterdam (near CS)
Aims: To inform each other about the areas of research we are currently working on, what collaborations already exist, and which we would like to establish or build on.
Methods: Per research group short introduction of focus of research group, introduction of participating group members and presentations (max 10 minutes) from group members to kick start discussions. Space will be created both for discussion of current collaborations- the challenges and opportunities- and for areas of focus for new collaborations.
Angela Fenwick, Southampton, has agreed to act as moderator for the day
9.30 Welcome with Coffee/Tea
9.45 Introduction
9.50 Research at Utrecht
10.30 Discussion
10.50 Coffee/Tea break
11.10 Research at Southampton
11.50 Research Joint PhDs Southampton/Groningen
12.10 Discussion
12.30 Lunch
13.30 Research at Groningen
14.10 Discussion
14.30 Research at Amsterdam
15.10 Discussion
15.30 Coffee/Tea break
15.45 Discussion: Emerging themes/overlaps/potential for collaboration
17.00 Conclusions on today and future
17.30 Closure
Annelien Bredenoord
Nine Knoers
Menno Mostert
Noor Giesbertz
Candice Cornelis
Roel Wouters
Sarah Boers
Southampton (
Anneke Lucassen
Angela Fenwick
Sandi Dheensa
Gill Crawford
Mirjam Plantinga
Lisa Ballard
Juliette Schuurmans
Julia El Mecky
Groningen (
Irene van Langen
Adelita Ranchor
Mirjam Plantinga
Tanya Halbersma
Juliette Schuurmans
Julia El Mecky
Lieke vd Heuvel
Amsterdam (
Ellen Smets
Niki Medendorp
Kirsten Douma
Lieke vd Heuvel