Workshop: Wound Repair: Regeneration ↔ Prevention

Raj Mani and Nick Evans would like to invite you this workshop which we have scheduled on the afternoon of Friday 28th September in the Heartbeat Education Centre of Southampton General Hospital (starting at 12 noon, finishing at 1630 at the latest).
The purpose of the meeting is bring together researchers with related interests to identify common aims and to find areas where we can work together to generate funding.
We are inviting researchers from across the University with interests in regenerative medicine and skin health technology, from a variety of research backgrounds (eg medicine, biological sciences and engineering sciences). We hope to invite several very short research overviews before general discussion. More details of the meeting are below and a full agenda will follow.
Initially we would be grateful if you would let us know whether you would like to attend. Please confirm by sending an e mail to Nick Evans ( ). Lunch will be provided.
Meeting Title: ‘ Wound Repair: Regeneration ↔Prevention '
Location: Heartbeat Education Centre, F Level North Wing, Southampton General Hospital.
Date: Friday 28 September 2012, 1200-1630.
Tissue repair follows a known orderly sequence of events though frequently this process fall short leaving chronic wounds which are a major clinical challenge. This condition is seen frequently in elderly as well as diabetic subjects. The magnitude of this problem is growing; the recurrence is increasing leaving an escalating burden of care. How can research help?
Research in this area goes from clinical studies to bench based developments to improve diagnostics as well as therapies.
- Do we supplement the body's innate regenerative capacities?
- Do we prevent tissue breakdown?
Aims of day:
To identify enthusiasms, synergies and strengths in wound repair.
To promote focused research activities.
Preliminary Plan
Following lunch, there will be a few short talks followed by breakout sessions. Following reports from these sessions, there will be a general discussion to summarise the developments of the day.