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The University of Southampton
Centre for Human Development, Stem Cells and Regeneration Our news & events

Diamond Jubilee Fellow to Deliver Guest Lecture

Published: 14 July 2014
Professor Kenneth Lee

The use of social media and blitz science to refute Stimulus-Triggered Acquisition of Pluripotency (STAP) stem Cells

Professor Kenneth Lee

Time: 16:00 - 17:00

Place: Somers Lecture Theatre, IDS Building, Southampton General Hospital

Followed by a drinks reception

Professor Kenneth Lee of Chinese University of Hong Kong and Ministry of Education, Key Laboratory for Regenerative Medicine will deliver a special lecture on Monday 14th July during a visit to the Centre for Human Development, Stem Cells and Regeneration, Southampton.

Professor Lee is an expert in developmental and stem cell biology. He is interested in the application of novel small molecules to reprogramme somatic cells into stem cells and the role of small molecules that specifically direct the differentiation of stem cells. Professor Lee is also known for his work on a gene called BRE in cancer and embryo development.

In his lecture, he will reveal the power of using social media and blogging real-time experiments to expose high profile fraudulent stem cell research. He will also discuss whether open peer review is the revolutionary way forward for publishing research.

Students and staff are invited and encouraged to come along to this compelling, interactive presentation and to the reception following the lecture.

Please register with Jane Foster/Katrina Jones Telephone 02381 208502

Richard OC Oreffo, Chair in Musculoskeletal Science, Centre for Human Development Stem Cells and Regeneration.

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