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The University of Southampton

Dr Haytham Hussein BSc, MSc, PhD, MRSC

Research fellow of advanced devices by electroplating (ADEPT)

Dr Haytham Hussein's photo

Haytham Hussein currently works at the Department of Chemistry, The University of Southampton. Haytham's research work addresses nucleation and growth of metals, metal oxides, alloys, and semiconductors, nanotechnology, fuel cells, materials chemistry and electrochemistry.

Research interests

  • Electrochemistry, Electrodeposition
  • Energy, supercapacitor, Pseudo-capacitor, electrocatalysts and their deactivation pathways
  • Materials, 2D materials, electron transparent boron doped diamond for imaging at the atomic scale
  • Electronics and optoelectronics (phase change memory, IR, and thermoelectric)
  • Transmission electron microscopy and Aberration corrected scanning transmission electron microscopy

Research group


Research project(s)

ADEPT - Advanced Devices by ElectroPlaTing

  • Investigating materials and nanowires synthesis using advanced electrochemical, inorganic/organic synthesis, and engineering techniques
  • Visiting academic at the University of Warwick
  • Member of International Society of Electrochemistry (ISE), RSC, and SOCI

Demonstrated 2nd and 3rd year practical electrochemistry lab at the University of Warwick.

Dr Haytham Hussein
Student Office, Building 59, Room1201, University of Southampton, Southampton SO17 1BJ

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