Southampton, June 29 to July 4, 2025
Each year the Electrochemistry Group runs the Instrumental Methods in Electrochemistry course to teach the application of modern electrochemical techniques to problems in chemistry, biology, sensors, materials science and industrial processing.
The one-week residential course, which will be held from June 29th to July 4th 2025, comprises a combination of lectures and laboratory work. The course has been organised almost yearly since 1969. Although the course is held in Southampton, it has been run in Canada, the US, Argentina and China and more than 1000 delegates have attended. The Summer School also provides formal and informal opportunities for discussion of topics related to the interests of the participants. The event is an excellent opportunity for networking and many research collaborations have evolved from discussions during the course.
In the Southampton tradition, Instrumental Methods in Electrochemistry will consist of both lectures (with full written supporting material) and hands-on practical sessions. The early lectures will cover core material while the remainder will address specific electrochemical techniques. See lecture programme.
All participants select five experiments from a choice of ten designed to illustrate the core material and the selected techniques. See experiments .