MSc Studentships: “Synthetic Organic Chemistry”
Available projects may include any aspects of organic synthesis including total synthesis of bioactive natural products, synthetic methodology and medicinal chemistry.
We have been awarded a number of MSc. studentships in the general area of synthetic organic chemistry, which have been funded as part of a multi-centre European collaboration between the Universities of Southampton, Caen, LeHavre, Rouen and UEA. These awards offer exciting op-portunities for successful candidates to participate in a European research and doctoral training programme, and to carry out a period of research in an academic partner’s laboratory or in industry.
Available projects may include any aspect of organic synthesis including: total synthesis of bioactive natural products, synthetic methodology, and medicinal chemistry. Studentships are open to EU and UK nationals with excellent first de-grees in chemistry.
For informal enquiries related to this project contact either Professor David Har-rowven
or Dr Richard Brown
For application details contact Mrs Chun Borodzicz, Postgraduate Admissions Administrator, at