Deepening links with China
Head of Chemistry, Professor Phil Gale, has been named a guest professor at Xiamen University in China.
He will visit several times over the next three years to further Southampton's connections with Xiamen and develop research collaborations. Phil will also carry out some teaching at undergraduate level.
"Our links with Xiamen go back a long way," he explains. "Professor Zhong-Qun Tian, who is the Head of the Key State Laboratory for Physical Chemistry of Solid Surfaces at Xiamen, completed his PhD in Chemistry at Southampton in the mid-1980s and we have and continue to host students from Xiamen in our electrochemistry section. We hope to further this relationship over the next few years by establishing more student exchanges at both undergraduate and postgraduate level."
Southampton's electrochemists held a Research Councils UK (RCUK)-funded summer school at Xiamen in 2009 and will return in 2012. Connections also exist between scientists interested in supramolecular chemistry research. Phil last visited Xiamen in autumn 2011 with Faculty colleagues Professor Steve Hawkins, Professor Tim Minshull and Professor Chris Proud.
Phil and Professor Tian are both Associate Editors of the RSC's flagship reviews journal Chemistry Society Reviews.
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