New advice to safeguard researchers working with nanomaterials
Dr David Kinnison, Chemistry Safety Advisor at the University of Southampton is one of the authors of the UK’s first health and safety guidance for working with nanomaterials at universities and other research and development centres. It will assist researchers working in this new area of science to observe best practice and manage risks.
"Research in nanotechnology is growing rapidly yet there was little formal safety guidance before our guide was published in September 2012," he explains. "We in the UK Nanosafety Partnership Group have examined the issues thoroughly to offer practical advice and guidance to everyone involved in this new and exciting research area."
The new guidance applies to a broad set of nanomaterials that include nano-objects such as nanoparticles, nanopowders, nanofibres, nanotubes, nanowires, as well as aggregates and agglomerates of these materials.
The UK Nanosafety Forum was formed in 2009 to bring together safety experts working in universities. It was commissioned by the Institution for Occupational Health and Safety (IOSH) to work with partner organisations to research safety issues surrounding nanomaterials as the Nanosafety Partnership Group. The new guide has been endorsed by the UK's Health and Safety Executive.