Southampton research on transmembrane transport becomes a ‘hot article’

Research by Professor Phil Gale’s group into how molecules travel across cell membranes is being highlighted this month by the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC).
The paper Towards predictable transmembrane transport is being featured as a ‘hot article' in issue eight of the flagship general interest journal Chemical Science, published by the RSC; it will also be on the front cover of the print edition. Another article by Dr Ali Tavassoli from Southampton Chemistry will be featured on the inside front cover of the same issue.

Understanding how molecules can enter cells is of particular interest to researchers in the pharmaceutical industry. Drugs can show tremendous potential in a laboratory experiment but if the active ingredients cannot find their way into the cells, they won't work in a human being.
"This shows the significance of research currently underway at the University of Southampton", explains Phil. "Our work on anion transport has potential future application in the treatment of diseases such as cystic fibrosis and cancer."