Innovative teaching wins a University award for Dr Paul Duckmanton

Senior Teaching Fellow in Inorganic Chemistry, Dr Paul Duckmanton has been awarded a Vice-Chancellor’s Teaching Award for his work co-ordinating two modules and teaching on another eight. He has introduced several different teaching and assessment techniques including peer assessment and feedback, problem-based learning and the use of a number of electronic and online resources.
Dr David Read, Head of Education, comments: “Paul’s pioneering work in this area is supporting the wider roll-out of highly innovative approaches into other areas of teaching in chemistry and across the Faculty, broadening the impact of his efforts and leaving a long-term legacy. It is clear from the response of students that these approaches have enhanced the student experience, and positive feedback from the student body is another factor in ensuring that colleagues are receptive to the idea of adopting similar strategies.”
Paul adds: “I was honoured to be nominated, and it was particularly nice to be able to receive this award at the graduation ceremony for the students who were in their first year when I initially started working at Southampton.
“It’s all about the students – engaging them in the subject and supporting them to understand the key underlying concepts. Enjoying teaching helps though. Being a Teaching Fellow I have involvement in all the types of teaching within my department, and I really enjoy the number of different techniques I have the freedom to use depending on the situation.”