First year PhD student wins poster award at RSC meeting
Postgraduate researcher in Chemistry Tom Ellaby has been recognised for his work by the Royal Society of Chemistry Theoretical Group. The first year PhD student won a best poster award at the latest student conference held in Southampton; it was titled ‘Ideal vs Real: Simulated Annealing of Experimentally Derived and Cuboctahedral Platinum Nanoparticles’.
Tom uses computational modelling to examine the performance of nanoparticles as catalysts. In particular, he is looking at how their size, shape and chemical composition, together with the material the nanoparticles are deposited on, affects their catalytic ability. His research, under the supervision of Professor Chris Skylaris , could aid the development of fuel cells.
Following his graduation from King’s College London with a Masters in Physics, Tom chose to study at Southampton because of the wide range of potential projects employing the University’s Iridis supercomputer and the reputation of the department.