Professor Gill Reid chosen to become President of the Royal Society of Chemistry
Professor Gill Reid from the University of Southampton has been elected to become the Royal Society of Chemistry’s president-elect.
The Professor of Inorganic Chemistry, who completes her term as Southampton’s Head of Chemistry in July, will take up the role in summer 2022.
The Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) is the world’s leading chemistry community, with over 50,000 members and 175 years of history advancing excellence in the chemical sciences.
Gill’s election follows a process in which members of the Society chose between five presidential candidates – the first time in its history to have had more than two candidates standing for election.
“I think the great thing about the RSC is the range of activities that it's involved in, and I've been lucky to be part of that for many years,” Gill says. “And just having an opportunity to influence the direction of the Royal Society of Chemistry and to further the benefits that the RSC brings to the chemical sciences, I'm excited, I'm honoured and really thrilled by the opportunity to do this.”
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