CNRS Summer School "feedbacks in environmental systems" (climate-ecosystems-oceans) Event
- Time:
- 12:00
- Date:
- 10 - 17 June 2012
- Venue:
- Environnement et Societe, Residence-Club "La Fayette", Avenue de Bourgogne, 17041 La Rochelle cedex 1 France
For more information regarding this event, please email Ionela Tranca at .
Event details
Event from the Computational Modelling Group
Please find the announcement of the second edition of the CNRS Advanced Summer School (Ecole Thématique du CNRS) "Feedbacks in environmental systems", that may interest the personnel of your laboratory.
The objective of the Summer School is to stimulate an interdisciplinary research community working on the theme of interacting complex environmental systems, building on the expertise of invited specialists that teach the lectures and interact with working groups. The second edition of the Summer School will take place from 11-16 June 2012, focussing on the interactions between Climate <-> Ecosystems <-> Oceans
Keywords of the session of 2012: atmosphere & oceans, biodiversity, biogeochemical cycles, climate, complex systems, dynamical systems, ecosystems, evolution, population & community dynamics, time series
The deadline of registration is 23 May 2012. The maximum number of participants is 30.
Please click here for additional information (programme, registration, location, etc).
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