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The University of Southampton

First Workshop on Maintainable Software Practices in e-Science | Software Sustainability Institute Event

9 October 2012
Hyatt Regency Chicago, Chicago, Illinois

For more information regarding this event, please email Daniel Katz at .

Event details

The 1st Workshop on Maintainable Software Practices in e-Science, co-located with the 8th IEEE International Conference on eScience, provides a dedicated forum for the research community to discuss new research, experiences and best practice in developing and maintaining software within an e-Science context.

One of the most pressing issues for computational science is the creation of software and data that is sustainable and reusable. Today's researchers are using more and more complex software stacks that is produced in increasingly ad hoc ways [Mer10]. Software development has become more and more common (current estimates state that 45% of scientists spend more time developing software now than they did 5 years ago [Han09]), particularly within e-Science projects which often have a mix of research and software development roles. At the same time, stakeholders are asking researchers to consider their software sustainability as part of their data management plans, with "Software as Infrastructure" being adopted as a model [EPSRC11, NSF11]. The management, curation and development of scientific software - which has often started life as a rough prototype -is a key area to support to enable high quality research.

This workshop will focus on the issues relating to the development and maintenance of software that can endure past the limited periods of defined project durations and project funding, and go beyond software engineering best practice to address aspects of cultural, organisational and policy change. By bringing together all those with an interest in ensuring the longer term development and use of software for research, including researchers, developers, research computing specialists, software engineers, infrastructure providers, facilitators, and funders, the goal of this workshop is to understand what software practices can be successfully applied and which lead to long-term improvements in the development of software for e-Science.

As part of the workshop we will also be running a panel on the topic of culture change in software management for research, featuring invited speakers from a variety of disciplines who have experienced or instigated these changes, to talk about their real life experiences of scientists of what worked and didn't work for them. Find out more.....

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