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The University of Southampton

Young Modellers Forum 2012: Call for registrations and abstracts Event

30 November 2012
Brunei Gallery, School of Oriental & African Studies (SOAS), London

For more information regarding this event, please email Dr Louise Birth at .

Event details

Event from the Computational Modelling Group

The Molecular Graphics and Modelling Society (MGMS) organises a one day meeting every year to encourage students in the latter stages of a PhD to present their research work by oral communication or by poster. The Young Modellers' Forum (YMF) also gives students the opportunity to talk with people from industry or academia about future job prospects; in the past, many delegates have met their future employer at the YMF. This year we have 12 oral presentation and 12 poster presentation slots, where final year students will be given priority for the oral presentations. However, due to the limited number of places available, it is unlikely that we will be able to guarantee all final year students an oral presentation slot. As one of the organisers of this year's meeting, I am writing to ask if you (or your colleagues) have PhD students in your group, or who are doing a placement with your group, who would be interested in presenting a piece of work.

This year's event will be held on Friday 30th November 2012 at the Brunei Gallery, School of Oriental & African Studies (SOAS), London and, as always, we are aiming to have a broad, balanced program of subjects - ranging from small molecule modelling to simulation of large biological systems (as well as everything else in-between!).

Registration is now open and is free for anyone who wishes to attend, but we do require you to register in advance for catering purposes! Students interested in giving oral or poster presentations should fill in the general registration form on the YMF2012 website (link below) and indicate their preference in the appropriate section, we will then send further instructions on what to include in the abstract submission.

An event from our Computational Modelling Group

Bringing together Southampton university researchers using applied Computational Modelling to support the understanding and advancement of physical and natural sciences, engineering, medicine, economy, society, psychology.

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