Southampton Electrochemsitry Conference 2013
31st May
Venue: Building 27, Room 2001
Carbon – the black sheep of electrochemistry? Methods to study and tailor the carbon component in fuel cells, redox flow and lithium ion batteries
Christina Roth
Institut für Chemie und Biochemie - Physikalische und Theoretische Chemie, Freie Universität Berlin
Zinc/Air Flow Battery for Energy Storage
Xiaohong Li and Richard G. A. Wills
Research Institute for Industry, Faculty of Engineering and the Environment, University of Southampton
Electrocatalytic activity of strained Pd nanoshells on Au cores
David J. Fermin
School of Chemistry, University of Bristol
12.30 Lunch
Electrochemistry of insulators
Katherine B. Holt
Department of Chemistry, University College London
Electrodeposition of Alloys for Phase Change Random Access Memory Applications
Gabriela P. Kissling
Chemistry, University of Southampton
Bubbles and particles: new methods for characterisation and detection
Peter R. Birkin
Chemistry, University of Southampton
3.30 Close