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The University of Southampton

The Structural Landscape of a Helicate: Polymorphism and Pseudopolymorphism in a Shape-awkward System Seminar

19 March 2014
Building 27, Room 2001 Chemistry Highfield Southampton SO17 1BJ

For more information regarding this seminar, please email Dr Geoff Hyett at .

Event details

Dr Dan Price presents a seminar as part of the Molecular Assembly, Function and Structure Groups Seminar Series

The coordination of copper(II) by the acyclic polydentate ligand ethylene-1,2-bisoxamate [(oeo) 4– ] results in the formation of an anionic dinuclear double-stranded helicate; [Cu2(oeo)2] 4– .

The salts of this large, approximately spherical (although chiral) and highly charged complex molecular anion crystallise in a multitude of different hydrated forms.

The talk connect the synthetic challenges, the difficulties in the crystallisation, the frequent copper deficiency, localised structural disorder, and the sheer variety of structures forms. Together the 16 different structures with an A 2 Cu(oeo)(H 2 O)x composition shed much light on the different competing intermolecular interactions.

We will describe the energy-landscape of the different packing motifs that we observe, and discuss the molecular features that contribute to structural variety in this system.

Speaker information

Dr Dan Price , University of Glasgow. Dr Price has an interest in many areas of natural science and is a keen proponent for increased public understanding of science. He performs many demonstration lectures every year. After the completion of a PhD at the University of Sheffield, he has held positions at the University of East Anglia, University of Edinburgh, Southampton University, and at the Institut de Chimie de la Matière Condensée de Bordeaux (ICMCB), before taking his present position at the University of Glasgow. His research experience and activities have always been associated with the synthesis and characterisation of materials for magnetic, electronic, or optical applications. In recent years, his research has largely focused on synthetic and structural characterisation of magnetic materials. Here a key part of successful synthesis are application many techniques that allow the formation of crystalline samples. Consequently, X-ray diffraction studies are pivotal to the structural characterisation and form a central part of his research interests. Magnetic characterisation is achieved by a combination of techniques including; SQUID magnetometry, neutron diffraction and muon spin rotation. In general, Dr Price’s interests are in controlling solid-state structures, in order to allow or optimise particular functional properties. In his magnetic materials low-dimensional and spin-frustrated magnetic behaviour are frequently observed, and ultimately a better understanding these novel and cooperative phase behaviours ranks highly in his ambitions.

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