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The University of Southampton

Structure prediction combined with ssNMR for determining molecular crystal structures Seminar

27 October 2014
Building 58, Room 1023 University of Southampton Southampton SO17 1BJ

For more information regarding this seminar, please email Giuseppe Pileio at .

Event details

Prof Graeme Day presents a seminar as part of the NMR Research Group's seminar series.

Structure prediction combined with ssNMR for determining molecular crystal structures.

More details to follow

All welcome to attend

Speaker information

Prof Graeme Day ,Graeme's research interests centre on the development and application of computational methods for understanding and predicting the structures and properties of molecular materials. An area of particular interest is crystal structure prediction, and its applications in structure determination, polymorph discovery and the design of materials with targeted properties. These research areas all stem from a fundamental interest in understanding and modelling intermolecular interactions.

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