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The University of Southampton

Chemical pharmacology of protein conjugates and natural products Seminar

22 June 2016
Building 27, Room 2001, Chemistry, University of Southampton, SO17 1BJ

For more information regarding this seminar, please email Ali Tavassoli at .

Event details

Gonçalo Bernardes has been awarded this year's RSC Harrison-Meldola medal. This seminar will be of interest to those in chemical biology and synthetic chemistry.

Speaker information

Dr Gonçalo Bernardes , University of Cambridge. Gonçalo is a Group Leader at the Department of Chemistry, University of Cambridge, UK and at the Instituto de Medicina Molecular Lisbon, Portugal. After completing his DPhil degree in 2008 at the University of Oxford, UK, Gonçalo undertook postdoctoral work at the Max-Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces, Germany, and the ETH Zürich, Switzerland, and worked as a Group Leader at Alfama Lda in Portugal. He started his independent research career in 2013 after the award of a prestigious Royal Society University Research Fellowship. He directs a research program at the interface of chemistry and biology with a focus on the development of novel chemoselective reactions for the modification of biomolecules and their use to understand and influence human disease. For example, Gonçalo also pioneered work on the roles of carbon monoxide (CO) as a messenger molecule in cancer biology and for its specific delivery in vivo using artificial metalloproteins. Despite his early age, Gonçalo has published >50 papers, with 22 as a senior or co-senior author, and 5 patents. His publications have been cited >2000 times resulting in an h-index of 25. He has picked many accolades during his short but successful research career; just to mention a few he won the European Federation of Medicinal Chemistry - 2013 Young Investigator Award in Academia, in 2014 he was awarded both the European Young Chemist Award - Silver Medal and the European Prize in Chemical Biology of the RSEQ, and more recently he was awarded the Chem Soc Rev Emerging Investigator Lectureship 2016. For his efforts in translational research, Gonçalo was distinguished by the Portuguese Ministry of Health (MH) of Portugal for relevant services to Public Health and Medicine. Finally, he is a Royal Society University Research Fellow and a FCT Investigator, and was recently awarded a prestigious Starting Grant from the European Research Council.

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