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The University of Southampton

Development of Gold- and Palladium-Catalysed reactions Seminar

12 December 2016
Building 27, Room 2003 (L/R 2), Chemistry, University of Southampton, SO17 1BJ

For more information regarding this seminar, please email Steve Goldup at .

Event details

Dr Ai-Lan will present a seminar as part of the Functional Inorganic, Materials and Supramolecular Chemistry research seminar series.

Gold: Following the development of various gold(I)-catalysed reactions using

cyclopropenes and allenes within the group, our recent work focusses on asymmetric

gold-cataysed allylation reactions using unactivated allylic alcohols (Scheme 1) and

dual gold- and photoredox-catalysed reactions. 1

Scheme 1

Palladium: In recent years, Pd(II) catalysis has emerged as a useful method for

oxidative Heck couplings on cyclic systems, many of which fail under standard Pd(0)

catalysis. 2 Investigations in the Lee group have focussed on oxidative Heck

reactions 3 and direct C-H functionalisations of challenging substrates (Scheme 2). 4

Scheme 2


1. Recent examples: a) V. Gauchot, A.-L. Lee, Chem. Commun . 2016, 52, 10163. b) G. Barker, D. G. Johnson, P. C. Young, S. A. Macgregor, A.-L. Lee,

Chem. Eur. J., 2015 , 21, 13748.

2. S. E. Walker, J. Boehnke, P. E. Glen, S. Levey, L. Patrick, J. A. Jordan-Hore, A.-L. Lee, Org. Lett . 2013, 15, 1886.

3. S. E. Walker, C. J. C. Lamb, N. A. Beattie, P. Nikodemiak, A.-L. Lee, Chem. Commun . 2015 , 51, 4089.

4. S. E. Walker, J. A. Jordan-Hore, D. G. Johnson, S. A. Macgregor, A.-L. Lee, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2014, 53, 13876.

Speaker information

Dr Ai-Lan Lee , Heriot-Watt University. Ai-Lan Lee hails from Malaysia and obtained her MSci(Hons) (2000) and PhD (2004) from University of Cambridge, working under the supervision of Prof. Steven V. Ley. She was subsequently awarded a Lindemann Trust Fellowship (2004-2005) to work at Boston College with Prof. Amir H. Hoveyda on enantioselective alkene metathesis. In 2006, Ai-Lan was appointed as a fixed-term Lecturer at the University of Edinburgh, carrying out research with Prof. David A. Leigh on rotaxane synthesis. She started as a Lecturer at Heriot-Watt University in 2007 and was promoted to Associate Professor, Reader in 2013. Her research interests include developing new gold- and palladium-catalysed reactions and catalysts.

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