Christopher Yi MSc Chemistry by Research, 2018; PhD in Electrochemistry
Current student
Southampton has a high reputation in electrochemistry which is exactly what I was doing and had decided to do as my future career. Once in a lecture, I learnt something about a former student who made great contributions to the electrochemistry field and their excellent achievements, and I realised I am working in one of the top research groups of the area.
There are no limits restraining your ideas, and there are always chances to implement your research. Everyone can and is making a contribution to their field.
High-quality research environment
I applied for a PhD at Southampton as I enjoy the high-quality lectures, laboratories, and research environment here. There are no limits restraining your ideas, and there are always chances to implement your research. Everyone can and is making a contribution to their field.
Getting involved with outreach
I volunteered for The Electrochemistry Circus which was quite amazing. I love the concept of letting the younger kids and students get in touch with recent hot topics in science to grow their interests. And for me it was a good chance to get to know more people and integrate into the electrochemistry group, and it was fun to meet new friends through the activity.
I will try to keep in touch with everyone I know here. They are either kind teachers or nice friends, and I’ll miss the peaceful environment here should I leave after I have finished my studies. It’s quite different from where I am from.