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Dr Iris Nandhakumar Dipl.Chem. MPhil Cantab PhD

Associate Professor in Electrochemistry

Dr Iris Nandhakumar's photo

Dr Iris Nandhakumar received a first-class Dipl.-Chem. degree (MSc in Chemistry) from the Technical University of Berlin and gained her PhD in Chemistry at the University of Southampton. She also holds an MPhil in Physics from the University of Cambridge, Cavendish Laboratory. Following several post-doctoral appointments at the University of Southampton and visiting research fellow positions at the University of Georgia Athens and the University of California in the USA, Dr Nandhakumar was appointed to a joint faculty position at the University of Southampton in both Physics and Chemistry. Her research focuses on the nanoscale fabrication and characterization of materials, in particular on semiconducting materials. She has given numerous invited talks and seminars at leading international conferences such as MRS, ACS meetings and Gordon research conferences



Iris has wide ranging expertise in the electrochemical fabrication and characterization of nanoscale materials, in particular nanostructured semiconductors. She has > 60 peer-reviewed journal publications, many widely cited (h-index 21) that have been published in prestigious journals such as Small, Nano Letters, ACS Nano and Physical Review Letters. These represent significant advances in the fabrication, characterization and understanding of nanoscale materials across the physics and chemistry boundary. She has obtained research funding as both co-I and PI from a variety of funding bodies (e.g. EPSRC, Royal Society) totalling > £5M. IN is the lead PI on the recently funded EPSRC project “Flexible thermoelectric hybrid materials” (EP/T026219/1) which is jointly with the University of Oxford. She is also the main editor of a recent RSC book entitled Thermoelectric Materials and Devices published in 2017.

Dipl.-Chem., Chemistry, Technical University of Berlin 1991

CPGS, Chemistry, University of Cambridge 1990

MPhil, Physics, University of Cambridge 1993

PhD, Chemistry, University of Southampton 1998

1.     1999 (Sept.) - 2000 (Jan.): Invited visiting research scholar, Department of Chemistry, University of California Irvine, California, USA.

2.     1997 (Oct. - Dec.): Invited visiting research scholar, Department of Chemistry, University of Georgia, Georgia, USA.

3.     2000 (March) – 2001(April): Post-doctoral research fellow, Department of Chemistry, University of Southampton, UK

4.     1997 (Dec) – 1999 (August): Post-doctoral research fellow, Department of Chemistry, University of Southampton, UK

Research interests

With the increasing degree of miniaturization in microelectronics we become confronted with many new challenges. One of them is the ability to fabricate smaller structures down to a nanometer scale with structure-property relationships that are designed to yield new materials with novel electronic, optical and magnetic properties that can impact on broad areas of technology such as nanoscale devices. We are interested in the preparation and characterization of novel materials with controlled nanoarchitectures, in particular semiconductors that exhibit enhanced electronic and optical properties and display quantum size effects.

Research keywords

Scanning Probe Microscopy, carbon nanotubes, nanoscale materials, molecular electronics.

Research funding

2006-2010 Highly efficient thermoelectric power harvesting, EPSRC, £459k. Collaborative grant with Prof. White and Dr S.Beeby and Dr. M.J Tudor, Electronics and Computer Science.

2003-2007“4 Billion Bases a Day-Practical Individual Genome Sequencing ”, Basic Technology Grant, RCUK, £4.97. Collaborative grant with School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Cambridge, University of Edinburgh

2006-2009, Nanophotonics portfolio centre , EPSRC. Collaborative grant with Professor Baumberg, Cambridge University.

Research group


Research project(s)

Nandhakumar: Fabrication of nano-scale materials

Nandhakumar: Characterization of nano-scale materials using carbon nanotubes

Nandhakumar & Whitby: Molecular Electronics and Neural Networks

Bartlett & Nandhakumar: Nanostructured Materials

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Key Publications

Dr Iris Nandhakumar
Chemistry University of Southampton Highfield Southampton SO17 1BJ

Room Number : 29/7029

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