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Dr Neil J Wells BSc, MRes, PhD, FHEA, MRSC

Head of NMR Spectroscopy Facility

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Dr Neil J Wells is Head of NMR Spectroscopy Facility within Chemistry at the University of Southampton.

Neil obtained a BSc in chemistry from the University of Southampton in 1996 before going to study with Prof. Mark Bradley in Southampton for MRes and PhD degrees.

The topic of Neil’s MRes thesis was solid-phase synthesis of PAMAM dendrimers as a means to increase resin loading for combinatorial chemistry. The solid-phase synthesis theme continued into the PhD course where Neil looked at synthesising libraries of ecdysteroid analogues, studied radical cyclisation on the resin and investigated reaction monitoring by HR-MAS NMR techniques.

On completion of his PhD, Neil started work with Mrs Joan Street in the NMR spectroscopy Facility at the University of Southampton. He took up his current post as head of the NMR Facility in October 2009.

Neil currently teaches a variety of courses at both undergraduate and postgraduate level in NMR spectroscopy and other analytical methodologies. His research interests are largely in the field of applied NMR spectroscopy.

Research interests

Neil's research interests are largely in the field of applied NMR spectroscopy.

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Characterisation and Analytics

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I teach a number of courses about analytical chemistry and spectroscopic techniques at various levels within Chemistry.

Dr Neil J Wells
Chemistry University of Southampton Highfield Southampton SO17 1BJ

Room Number : 30/1065

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