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The University of Southampton
Chemistry Undergraduate study

Staff-student liaison committee

The staff student liaison committee is a forum for discussion about the well being of the degree courses from your point of view.

The committee is made up of student representatives from each year group and 4 academic staff taken from across the spectrum of activities of Chemistry. This group meets as often as is necessary but minimally once a term. The agenda is set by the student representatives who raise comments that they have collected from their year group about what has worked effectively and what issues could do with some attention.

The minutes of the meetings are made available to the student community via a website and any issues that cannot be handled by the committee directly are passed on to the appropriate person or group for action.

The committee is one that ensures that the academic staff and the student community are able to understand each other's problems and difficulties, either in the teaching of a degree programme or in the pursuit of a graduate qualification.

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