Ageing and Dementia
Our research focuses on improving quality of life and care for older people with complex health conditions.
The Health Needs Research Theme aims to advance understanding of how life limiting and life changing diseases impact on individuals, families and communities, leading to better care for people with cancer, life-limiting and long term conditions through improvements in patient and carer experiences and wellbeing across the lifespan.
Our three research groups focus on ageing and dementia (led by Jackie Bridges ), Centre for psychosocial Research in Cancer: CentRIC (led by Claire Foster ) and long-term conditions (led by Marie Carmen Portillo ).
Our research focuses on improving quality of life and care for older people with complex health conditions.
Our research focuses on understanding and improving the lives of people affected by cancer, including those at increased risk.
Our research focuses on improving quality of life for people living with long term conditions and/or multi-morbidity.