Board Meeting of Confucius Institute at the University of Southampton
On 9th November 2017, Confucius Institute at the University of Southampton (CI Soton) held its annual board meeting at Avenue Campus.
Attendees were as follows: Colin Grant, Vice-President of the University of Southampton (UoS), Anne Curry, Dean of the Faculty of Humanities, UoS, Dongwei Lin, Deputy Party Secretary of Xiamen University (XiaU); Hongbo Yu, Deputy Director of International Department, XiaU, Lin Lin, Head of the Training Section of Southern Base, XiaU, Ying Zheng and Fang Zhou, Co-Directors of CI Soton.
Chaired by Colin Grant, the Board reviewed and approved the minutes of 2016 CI Board Meeting. Zheng Ying and Zhou Fang then briefed the Board on the work done by CI in 2017 and proposed CI 2018 work plan.
Since the relocation to the Humanities in January 2017, CI has made good progress in Chinese language teaching, cultural activities, academic exchanges, research projects, teacher training and team management. Colin Grant, Chair of the Board, acknowledged and praised CI's efforts in 2017.
Zheng Ying reported to the Board on the financial status in 2016 and 2017. The Board discussed specific issues such as the financial services related to the CI Office relocation and proposed solutions.
Finally the Board settled the time and place for holding the 2018 CI Board Meeting. Colin Grant on behalf of UoS and Dongwei Lin on behalf of XiaU expressed their expectations that the CI will make further progress in 2018.