CI Sponsored Symposium - "International Perceptions of China: Chinese Culture in International Audio-Visual Culture"
On 13th June 2023, a Confucius Institute sponsored event was held at the Avenue Campus, University of Southampton. The theme was International Perceptions of China: Chinese Culture in International Audio-Visual Culture.
The keynote speakers, Dr Lin Feng from the University of Leicester and Dr Wing-Fai Leung from King's College London, gave their presentations on "Daoism and Diasporic Narrative of Taiwan Martial Arts Films" and "Anti-Asian Racism During the Covid-19 Pandemic: Liberal Values, Yellow Peril and Imagining 'China' in Italy and the UK" respectively. Six other researchers from different institutions gave their presentations in the Symposium.
The symposium was aimed to promote communication between different disciplines in Chinese studies with a wider knowledge of art history, cultural studies, communication studies and other subjects.