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The University of Southampton
Citizen Science at Southampton
(023) 8059 8347

Dr Ramine Tinati 

Academic Staff

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Research interests

My role as a SOCIAM senior research fellow involves research and engineering the next generation of infrastructure to support the data analysis Web application applications. I am responsible for engineering the software used to perform real-time and historic analysis of Web platforms. I research into big data, high-volume messaging, and stream-processing, as well as developing analytical pipelines. I am also responsible for leading the development of techniques for social network and online community analysis, which extends my PhD research to include combining quantitative methods with visual interpretations to analysis data at the micro-macro level, historically and in real-time. I am currently leading the design and implementation of SOCIAM’s real-time stream data integration and analysis service, known as the ‘MacroScope’. In addition to this I have a strong research interest into the design of crowdsourcing platforms, with specific focus on studying citizen science platforms. My current research involves developing frameworks for ensuring sustained user engagement and participation, which draws upon the analytical techniques developed for big data analysis in order to observe and understand citizen science communities at scale.

Dr Ramine Tinati
University of Southampton
University Road
SO17 1BJ
United Kingdom

Room Number : 32/3027

Dr Ramine Tinati's personal home page
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