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The Care Life Cycle
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Professor Jane Falkingham

Professor of Demography and International Social Policy, Director of ESRC Centre for Population Change

Professor Jane Falkingham
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Professor Jane Falkingham is Professor of Demography and International Social Policy and Director of the ESRC Centre for Population Change at the University of Southampton.

Demographic change and its consequences for the distribution of social and economic welfare is a consistent theme throughout all my research.

I am currently the Director of the ESRC Centre for Population Change, and a member of ESRC Council. I was President of the European Association of Population Studies (EAPS) (2018-2020) and President British Society for Population Studies (2016-2018). I was Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences from 2013 - 2021.

My research interests are in:

Research interests

Over the past decade I have been PI of:

The ESRC Centre for Population Change , to the drivers and consequences of population change. For a full overview of its research programme Research programme on the cpc website

I have also been involved in a number of other UKRI projects.

Recently funded projects

I was PI on the EPSRC Care Life Cycle Programme.  The programme developed a suite of innovative modelling tools incorporating factors associated with the supply and demand of health and social care as well as expert opinion, to inform the development of social policy. For more details visit Care Life Cycle website .

I was Co-I on the EPSRC funded Energy for Development project. On-goingThe work in Africa involves promoting and implementing electrification projects for impoverished rural villages without power sources, establishing and addressing villagers' needs, investigating impacts on rural poverty and improving the health and wellbeing of the community. This unique work is providing power to businesses and to around 3000 villagers in Kenya and influencing the work of global institutions with mandates in this area. Visit Energy for development website.

I was also co-I on the EPSRC funded Liveable Cities Programme grant  (£6.3million). Liveable Cities is an ambitions, five-year programme of research to develop a method of designing and engineering low-carbon, resource-secure, wellbeing enhanced UK cities. This includes  the development of a unique City Analysis Methodology (CAM) that measures how cities operate and perform in terms of their people, environment and governance, taking account of wellbeing and resource security. The CAM can  be used to establish future visions of low-carbon, resource-secure, liveable UK cities from which the team can backcast to determine what needs to be done now to achieve these visions. Using the CAM, the Liveable Cities team is helping to  develop realistic and radical engineering solutions for achieving the UK's ambitious carbon reduction targets.  Visit: Liveable cities project page .

I was co-I on the ESRC/ DFID funded Understanding Resilience in Later Life in Low-Resource Setting. Maria Evandrou (PI), Isabella Aboderin, working jointly with the Africa Population and Health Research Centre, Nairobi and the Kenyan Ministry of Labour and Social Protection.

Research project(s)

The Pioneers Project

This project, funded by the University of Southampton, UKRI India, and the Asian Media Group, will create a ‘living history resource’ which documents and analyses the lives of successful South Asians who have made Britain their home, achieved visibility in various sectors, and have made an economic, sociocultural, political and intellectual contribution to its modern society since the 1960s. The project has policy implications in the realm of the social integration of established ethnic minority communities, social cohesion, and multiculturalism in a diverse and globalised Britain.

Heritage, Religion and Diaspora

The Pioneers Project, a project of the University of Southampton’s India Centre for Inclusive Growth and Sustainable Development.

Professor Jane Falkingham

Room Number : 58/2019

Professor Jane Falkingham's personal home page
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